Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 7/20/2006
Just a quick run-through of your porfolio impresses me greatly, Yamil!
{K:11377} 11/9/2005
Beautiful capture before landing! Great work Yamil! Cheers! Harry
{K:26787} 10/12/2005
WOW ... just have to say congrats on this outstanding capture!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 10/12/2005
Espléndida foto Yamil, te invito a ver http://www.usefilm.com/image/951091.html no tan buena como la tuya pero que me llevó gran esfuerzo...ja...ja...
Un abrazo!
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 10/10/2005
Excelente y bella captura! la nitidez y colorido es sensacional Saludos Sergio
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 10/9/2005
Hermano, disculpa que no te respondiera con anterioridad. El estabilizador ayuda a evitar que las tomas salgan movidas. Cuando tomas fotos de aves en vuelo es vital que tu lente tenga estabilizador. Te recomendaria que vendieras ese lente y consiguieras otro con estabilizador. El lente 100-400 mm es el ideal para las tomas de aves en vuelo como las que quieres realizar. Con el de 75-300 tienes que acercarte mucho al objetivo y en el caso de aves que viven en lo alto de los arboles es mas dificil fotografiarlas, inclusive usando el de 100-400 mm. Marcus tambien te puede ayudar con sus consejos y siempre esta dispuesto a ayudar. Cuidate. Yamil
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 10/5/2005
exellent capture Yamil
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 10/4/2005
An excellent capture! Beautiful colors too. It looks like an exact replica...double vision goes well. Very beautiful.
Lee Harris
{K:14694} 10/4/2005
Nice double Yamil. A double pose at that, great capture. Lee
Tushit Jain
{K:1697} 10/3/2005
WOW... synchronized flying at it's best :)
{K:42404} 10/3/2005
wowww!!!!! esta es una de tus mejores fotografías!!!!! felicitaciones y Dios te bendiga PS: Mi nueva cámara Canon digital revel XT debe llegarme al rededor del 10 de octubre. he comprado un lente usado Canon EF II 75-300 de los normales sin estabilizador, pero en buenas condiciones, me servirá para hacer tomas de este tipo???
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 10/3/2005
Hi Pat, Thanks for your comment on my double vision shot. In regards your questions, yes, I always use automatic focus. Manual focus doesn't work for me, at least not to shot fast moving targets like birds. I heard of people who uses manual for flying birds with good results, but I never tried. Actually now that you mentioned, I will probably do so manual on ducks. I like this particular shot with the second duck blured because gives a 3d effect. I use Al Servo for moving subjects when the focusing distance keeps changing. The camera can track the subject much better than the photographer. At least that is true in my case. I hope this helps. And congratulations again for the picture of the sheep. I probably will go to Yellowstone early next spring.Definitely I will contact you. In the mean time please continue posting your wonderful images of that last great place on earth. Yamil
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/3/2005
Perfect, Yamil, I don't know how you do it, and so consistently! Dave.
Humayun Rizwan
{K:3235} 10/2/2005
EXCELLENT capture, Yamil. Great detail and colors
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 10/2/2005
I love the colors of green and blue in the ducks, the details are fantastic! Did you have it on automatic focus? I like the way it looks but I did that with one of my pictures and the second animal was blurred and someone suggested manual focus, but when they are moving I think that is difficult, what do you think? Pat
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 10/2/2005
WOW amazing bird's shot very well done
Deniz Bozkurt
{K:82} 10/2/2005
it incluades wonderful colors,i like it
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 10/2/2005
Excellent capture Yamil, the fast shutter speed work just fine in here, very well seen and captured, Regards,
joanna ewa
{K:8061} 10/2/2005
that birds are excellent:) You can to see good moments:) regards
Andreas Jezek
{K:572} 10/2/2005
Wonderful picture, Yamil! Crisp colours, great detail and a perfect timing. Nice work, keep it that way! With regards, Andreas
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 10/2/2005
Dear Zeev, I enjoyed visiting your outstanding portfolio. I don't know how did I miss it in these 6 months that I have been at UF. These guys are in the same order of goose but they are actually ducks. Their common name is Mallard ducks. Thank you for taking the time and commenting on my pictures. Take care. Yamil
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 10/2/2005
Beautiful capture of those flying goose,amazing details and colors Regards