i created it as i couldnot see the eclipse that happened in other places but here a normal evening a normal sunset same gatherings all around. same talks, same walks, and the same darkness gathering around. trees are appearing same so is the birds and sky the same traffic beat and the same coroupting mind on the distance i hear the same mellow cries that i can feel even when i close my eyes, the same preaching and the same beaware speaches from the stranges near the station road flows, and the same wheel spining into the future creating same mysterious roads on which i walked till this moment thought i may see the different eclipsed evening today but nothing happens as u dream so i forgive all that is same and yet create a vision of difference. thinking all this i thought to add blue dream like state in reality. for a difference
An unusual image, Sanjeev. And a strange 'about'. This is intereseting, with the intense blue, contrasting sharply against the magenta-white, sun. The people, and the three pinpoints of light, help create the semi-dream state, you mention. A bit less strength in the deep blue, may have prevented the noise.