a. M.
{K:9020} 1/27/2006
hey chuck thanks so much for your kind words..they made me smile..and i think that i would agree with your comments on my style..i dont like to post just any ordinary shot..try to see something that i dont usually see everyday and make the viewers enjoy it as well...im glad your one of them that liked it. my beautiful model is my gf and im so thankful she puts up with my obsesion with photography :) thanks much chuck! see ya around Ant
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 1/27/2006
You have a great style and beautiful models. You would be what most would say is a contemporary photographer with unique vision.
 Strange Vision: Daytona Beach, Fl |
a. M.
{K:9020} 1/25/2006
thank you frank :) Ant
Frank Sollecito
{K:-73} 1/25/2006
Very nice image anthony, I like the yellow filter effect. Very nice composition.
Regards, Frank
a. M.
{K:9020} 11/3/2005
hey ray...thanks alot for your kind words. i appreciate it.. :) Ant
Rodulf Gomez
{K:1243} 11/3/2005
Excellent composition. Love the firey sky. You have an eye for really great photos like this one. Well done Anthony!
Ray frm the Philippines
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/27/2005
thank you pan! Ant
pan g.
{K:16899} 10/27/2005
Wonderfull colours and composition.What a great work!
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/24/2005
thank you! your comments make me smile! i appreciate it Ant
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 10/24/2005
Different, but Fantastic!... Smiles.
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/24/2005
hey liz thank you for the comments! i appreciate it
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 10/22/2005
I like the results that you have achieved Anthony...very strong and bold...a commanding presence..
thankyou also for your recent comment...it was great to hear from you :) Liz
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/22/2005
thank you ozjan :)
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 10/21/2005
An astonishing color result Anthony. Cheers.
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/21/2005
thank you alberto...all i did was mess around with the hues, and the selective colors and curves in photoshop to get it the way ai wanted to :) Ant
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/21/2005
thank you ck.. i appreciate it Ant
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 10/21/2005
Good shot for composition and coulors. Have you used some filters?
{K:1987} 10/21/2005
Fantastic sky amazing colors! Ciao, cK
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/18/2005
ahh i see what your saying, yea i remember that movie..good eye :)
Pawel Kwasnicki
{K:9651} 10/18/2005
What amazes me here is the hot boiling sky, great, something like Sarah Connor?s vision in Terminator 2 when the A-bomb exploded; best regards, Pawel
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/18/2005
thanks endre for always stopping by and giving a comment. Anthony
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/18/2005
thank you akmal..i appreciate your comments Anthony
Endre Novak
{K:12666} 10/18/2005
Great colours, nice almost silhouette. Endre
{K:1984} 10/18/2005
very very wonderful shot akmal hamdi abdallah
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/17/2005
thank you stefan
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/17/2005
it is (pretty amazing) :-)