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Harvest Gold
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Image Title:  Harvest Gold
Favorites: 2 
 By: Ina Nicolae  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Ina Nicolae  Ina Nicolae {Karma:44481}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model Canon 300D
Categories Nature
Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Nature
Lens Tamron 70-300mm
Uploaded 10/21/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 526 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 44 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Flamboro Township
State -  ON
Country - Canada   Canada
About This is a fall image dedicated to my UF friend Linda - - I hope you like it :)
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There are 44 Comments in 1 Pages
Andrzej Pradzynski Andrzej Pradzynski   {K:22541} 10/25/2005
Ina, I like this monochrome but crisp and organized form. Tells the story. n.j


György Szönyi György Szönyi   {K:10011} 10/24/2005
Very fine colors, perfect details, the use of telephoto adds a special, condensed atmosphere. Best: Gy.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 10/22/2005
This is a lovely image Ina. The details are wonderful and I love these tones. Excellent shot. Cheers - Ann :)


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 10/22/2005
Bellas formas y colores.
Me gusta!


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks for all your nice comments, Ozjan:)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks Biswajit :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you very much for your comment, Aram :)


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 10/21/2005
Wonderful texture dear Ina . The details and tone are perfect. Cheers.


BISWAJIT DASGUPTA   {K:2818} 10/21/2005
Nice golden tones&clarity,7from me,well done Ina.


Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 10/21/2005
Great texture and composition. The lines are so pure that despite those rich details, I can easily see there a wonderful graphic artwork succeeding to imitate and highlight the complexity of the real world shapes.

Thanks for sharing.


Endre Novak Endre Novak   {K:12666} 10/21/2005
me, don't overvalue ....just a dilettante :-)))


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you Gabriela, I enjoyed very much this subject, it reminded me of something from Romania, I don't know what - maybe something from a banknote?


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks Endre :) You're spot-on, it's texture and rhythm. Do you have art training?


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks Elisa :) The days are getting darker here, I suppose the same where you are, even more so!


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 10/21/2005
Happy shootin! :):) Linda


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you Susie, I'm working on a collage with a red barn still from yesterday :) I discovered a local hwy. packed with pumpkin fields and old barns.


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you dear Robert :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks Linda, I went to seek some fall foliage yesterday to make a picture for you, but there was no sunshine, and instead I found the corn... I'm glad you like it. Well, today it's lovely, so I'll hit the road again!


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 10/21/2005
Oh Ina, how sweet of you, thank you, Yes I like it very much..I was just sitting here admiring it and then scrolled down to read your about and saw the dedication, thank you! It's wonderful, I love it, a perfect representation of fall, wonderful light and shadows, nice rich tones, and a a lovely composition, the curves and details are great. You have a great eye Ina, an image of beauty...thank you my dear..well appreciated, and of course, this goes straight into my favs...Linda


NN  NN     {K:26787} 10/21/2005
Hi Ina! This is a perfect example of how simple things can look SO beautiful! Very nicely composed/cropped, with a lovely tonal range. Gorgeous stuff!


Gabriela Tanaka Gabriela Tanaka   {K:16594} 10/21/2005
Dearest Ina, are these autumn's golden plaits/ I believe so!Exquisite macro!


Endre Novak Endre Novak   {K:12666} 10/21/2005
Nice rhytm of texture, like the lights and shades.
Good compo.


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 10/21/2005
Beautiful tones on these corn stalks. An unusual treatment that makes them so lovely. The textures really come through here, it almost makes them look like they are spun from gold. I love it Ina!


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 10/21/2005
Wow! Dear Ina, this is very nice natural composition! Love the golden colours & tones. Very original idea & well presented harvest feeling. Love the stirring details and interesting lindes/forms!
Very well done! 7+++

My best regards!


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks Tracey, she hasn't seen it yet :)


Tracey Main Tracey Main   {K:7290} 10/21/2005
Beautiful Ina the colors are wonderful you have a lucky friend to recieve such great photo..Tracey


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks for your comment, Daniel :)


Daniel S. Garcia   {K:13946} 10/21/2005
This is such a beautiful image Ina! I like love it! Also I'm with Mark! You have your own definite style that makes you recognizable! Awesome work!


Mort Gage   {K:2743} 10/21/2005


Mark Longo Mark Longo   {K:12760} 10/21/2005
Hey, thanks for the details on the color treatment via PS. I need to try working that angle and will start with your tips. Nice that you're willing to share, Ina.



Jim Budrakey Jim Budrakey   {K:24393} 10/21/2005
Ooh, this is so nice.


Brian Fillmore Brian Fillmore   {K:4016} 10/21/2005


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you Nour :)


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 10/21/2005
ohh a special image dedicated to a special friend of mine, thank you
lighting is superb


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you Kathy :) I'm attempting the "classical" look.


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 10/21/2005
Now this is fall personified, Ina! Very nice tones and great textures! I love it!


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Hi Mark! (blush) - I am very flattered by your comment! I am also very humbled, because I don't think I deserve such praise... However, I'm really happy that you like this picture. We drove out today to find some fall foliage, and the sky started to be overcast. So we stopped at a pumpkin stand and plant nursery on a local highway. I noticed a red barn, and started taking some pictures, knowing they'd be fairly dull, without the sunshine. Just before leaving, I noticed the corn by the entrance, and it looked so rich... Anyway, the sky was very dark, and that explains the exposure. The rest is PS - mostly desaturated, boosted contrasts, and tweaked the yellows, reds and greens + USM. The original is fairly colorless, w/ some natural dry corn color & some purples. I've read in Bryan Peters' book "Understanding Exposure" that this is the ideal light for shooting flowers and portraits. In my case, flowers turn out dull, but this has been a better subject. Thanks again, Ina


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you Shady, I'm glad you like the fall textures, and yes, the lighting was an overcast sky :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thanks Neal, do you know what they are? Corn flowers?


Shady Adly Shady Adly   {K:7814} 10/21/2005
I can almost feel the rough texture and the lighting is amazing!
Nice dedication to our dearest friend Linda :)


Mark Longo Mark Longo   {K:12760} 10/21/2005
WOW! Could you get any better? Funny Ina, but while browsing image pages at Usefilm I find that I can identify your photos without reading your name below them. I'm not even surprised anymore. Have you ANY idea how cool that is?

Anyway, enough gushing. This has got to be my fave of all your stuff. The texture and clarity is mezmerizing, as with a lot of your work, but this one even more so. I think it's the lighting/shadows/contrast that's doing it.

Great abstract, great macro, great nature beauty shot. This thing is working on all those levels. When I first saw the thumbnail I thought it was blonde cornrowed hair. I don't know if you've treated the color or if it's mostly caused by a soft overcast sky but the lighting is extraordinary and you've sure made the most of it. This one is just too good, your making the rest of us look bad! ;-)

You go!



Neal Nye   {K:15827} 10/21/2005
Anyone would like this. I love the details and the graceful curves. Fall color, even if it isn't red.


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/21/2005
Thank you, Ahmed, I hope so too - I'm glad you like it!


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 10/21/2005
Beautiful capture Ina! Love the golden tones and clarity here. I am sure Linda will like it.




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