{K:8643} 12/7/2005
Nicely seen Shirley, nice composition and proportions in the frame. I like this a lot!
Hooshang Nahrvar
{K:1939} 11/30/2005
the image is wonderful , and has a good cadre. success in your works. h-n
Shirley Grove
{K:5514} 10/29/2005
Thank you Kevin for the kind comment... off to look at your work now :) Shirley
{K:8657} 10/29/2005
You seem to have a very interesting life.(Great phoptos (all of them and I love this one well done
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 10/21/2005
From such an angle, it is so dramatic. Cheers Shirley.
Shirley Grove
{K:5514} 10/21/2005
I agree with you Cecilia - was a lonely scene - in a huge entrance hall of a 17th Century Palazzo in Florence... Regards Shirley
Shirley Grove
{K:5514} 10/21/2005
Thanks for the comment Gary -I quite like the 'no seat'.... gives it a real abandoned feel :)
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 10/21/2005
simple and excellent. Love the look here.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 10/21/2005
nice proportions artistic composition amazing tones
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 10/21/2005
Like a drawing. Little bit sadness and lonelyness in your picture. Cecilia
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 10/21/2005
Well observed shot, good composition. What a pity the bike has no seat! Regards, Gary