xxxxMonicaxxxx xxxDawxxn xxxxVogesxxx
{K:1278} 10/28/2007
Your night photography is awesome! I love this photo, it's soooo romantic!
Almir Panjeta
{K:172} 3/20/2007
a ovo je kume: pariz! u pravo vrijeme, na pravom mjestu i s pravom opremom. :)
Anna Schulz
{K:1186} 2/10/2007
hi metoni, what an amazing and perfect night shot. the exposure is top notch. well done, you have such an amazing portfolio. i really enjoyed looking at it... anna
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 12/24/2006
A fabulous nightshot really, well in focus, and showing amazing detail .. exposure was just a tiny bit over imho, but has not damaged the overall quality of the shot .. no, a very well made shot indeed .. Peter
Leora Long
{K:11135} 12/24/2006
This is an inspiring photo - just the way I like to see the Eiffel Tower. But how about that electric bill!
Cheers, Leora
halcyon m
{K:14} 12/15/2006
although it is an overused subject, it is a very nice picture. but watch out! all pictures of the eiffel tower at night are under licence and some companies will start lawsuits over simple photographers like you. stupid, i know... good luck
Miladin Mareš
{K:3384} 8/24/2006
Stvarno se Canon lepo snalazi uz visoku ostetljivost...naravno uz dobrog fotografa sve ide od ruke!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/6/2006
When faced with this kind of exposure, I instantly crank my Exposure down to -2, since the blacks won't get any blacker. ;)
Good shot!
Janet Marie ;-)
{K:-2076} 12/4/2005
Metoni c'est tres belle! Janet Marie ;-)
{K:10535} 11/19/2005
I LIKE CLASSIC BUT I LOVE CREATIVITY http://www.usefilm.com/image/982775.html
kksksksk .
{K:701} 11/12/2005
Just beautiful one...
Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 11/9/2005
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 11/9/2005
An awesome night photo.
Great composition and lighting.
I like it.
Well done.
{K:2089} 11/7/2005
Wow!!!!!!!!!111 amazing perfect night shot. regards cytte
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 11/5/2005
Very nice capture of the Eiffel tower at night! Lovely shot!!
Ismet Smajis
{K:6911} 11/5/2005
Prelijepa slika,toranj je kao od zlata. Narocito mi se svidza to kako si ukomponovo toranj i kupolu katedrale u lijevom uglu,u dujagonali su i zajedno daju slici 3D pozdrav Ismo
Paolo Sciacca
{K:1351} 11/5/2005
splendida cartolina.
{K:860} 11/5/2005
Beautiful postcard.
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 11/5/2005
Beautiful. Lights like jewels sprinkled across the bottom of the picture. Expuisitely presented against the night sky. Very nice work!
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 11/5/2005
Wow, dazzling!
Diego M
{K:2668} 11/4/2005
GREAT! one of the best ever seen
神 風
{K:10665} 11/4/2005
Great nocturnal image of this famous tower composed quite differently from most, but perhaps a bit small in the frame itself but I do like all the negative black space. Love it anyway ... !
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 11/4/2005
7 favorites it is PARIS as it should seen amazing perfect night shot WELL DONE