André Sigwalt
{K:219} 11/21/2005
I agree with you Marcel. This one is better then the second. Thank you all..
Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 11/21/2005
of the two I like this one better! what a interesting animal.
Andreas Hultman
{K:254} 11/18/2005
Nice capture, like the composition,the colurs and the look of the face it look rather pissed of.
Regards /Andreas
Carlos Pinharandas
{K:594} 11/18/2005
Animalzinho estranho. Nunca vi nenhum em Portugal. A Foto está excelente, com boa nitidez e cores fantásticas. Parabéns. Cumprimentos.
André Sigwalt
{K:219} 11/18/2005
Obrigado Roberto, agradeço sua opinião.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 11/18/2005
Muito bem captada a capivara André! Belo trabalho! Parabéns! Roberto.
Christian Miller
{K:988} 11/18/2005
I like his eye...looks like he means business. Terrific shot.
André Sigwalt
{K:219} 11/18/2005
Yes I was abou 30 meters. But is a very nice and friendly animal. It might run but if relies on you will let you get very close. Thank you Scott. André
Lin chan
{K:190} 11/18/2005
This is an excellent capture ! Nice color and details !
Scott Scott!!
{K:101} 11/18/2005
Wow this is cool. Imagine you were standing pretty far away from this creature. I like the focus.