Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 12/27/2005
I will try what you suggested with the layers and see if it will work. I think I might get Photoshop Elements soon. I hear so much great stuff about it. I'd love to get CS2, but I think that I might just get Elements for now and then upgrade later.
I'm a Canon shooter too so that's why I stuck with the Canon line. I wanted to use the lenses that I already have. I was looking at the D20 too and I couldn't decide which one I wanted to ask for. I have a friend who has the XT and another friend who had the 20D and there didn't seem to be a big enough difference to justify getting the 20D over the XT. The XT is 8.0 megapixel and the 20D is 8.2 and the 20D can shoot a bit faster than the XT. I think that if you are going to save up for something nicer than the XT then I would go for the 13MP job that you mentioned. Then it's enough of a difference to justify it.
I also wanted to mention a GREAT book that I just read called Understanding Digital Photography by Bryan Peterson. I was hesitant to switch over to the other side. I think it's hard for a diehard film shooter to make the switch. Bryan was a diehard film shooter too, so I really liked reading his point of view on making the switch as well as all of his great explainations on the differences.
Anyway, thanks so much for your help! I will try it out today!
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 12/26/2005
Yes, I am not familiar with that software. Try dragging your image into that box. If that works, then drag it in there a second time. Now, try manipulating the bottom image, then try adding a "Layer Mask" to the top image, and then select the layer mask and paint black on the image where you want the manipulated image to show through. this is how it works with photoshop. If all else fails, You can download Photoshop Elements from adaob's website. It is very inexpensive ($50.00) I think. ANd hase most of the basic tools.
Nice camera! I have ben eyeballing it. I am a Canon shooter so all my lenses will fit it. I might hold out for the 20D though. Or the big 13MP job... I need a windfall before any of those dreams to to reality.. For now. I'll keep buying film....
Back to the layers, I snoop around on the web and see if I can find any poop on it, PhotoStudio 5.5, that is..
Posted a few new images the last coupele days, Have a peek...... :-)
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 12/26/2005
Hi Pat-
Thanks so much for your help! I got a Canon Rebel XT with the PhotoStudio 5.5 software (it came with the camera). I couldn't figure out how to make the actual layers. There is a Layer option that when I click on it a little window opens up at the bottom of the screen and asks me which layer to work on, but the layers are empty. I couldn't figure out how to get an image into the layer box to start working on it. The photo itself is on the main screen, but there is no image in the little box at the bottom of my screen. I know it's not Photoshop so you might not be able to help me, but you might know how to get me started. I appreciate all of your help!
Thanks so much! Sheila
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 12/26/2005
Hi sheila, What software did you get? What camera did you get?
If it is a version of photoshop I can be of help.
Think of layers as stacking transparent sheets of plastic one on top of the other. You can apply an effect to the underneath layer and then using a "layer mask" you can reveal the effect through the top layer.
If it is photoshop that you have, let me know and I'll do my best to get you started using layers.
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 12/26/2005
Hello Pat. I just got a new digital camera for Christmas (ya!) and I got some new software with it that has layering capability. The problem is that the software didn't come with any manual and the help tab doesn't really explain layering to a novice like me. I'm just wondering if you could explain how to layer a photo the way that you had suggested for this one (to sharpen selectively). I would appreciate your time! Thanks so much! Happy holidays!
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 11/25/2005
Thank you Ray. I like them both too!
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 11/24/2005
Both shots are great Sheila. I can never make up my mind in this sort of situation. I guess the softer version fits in with mono tones better than the sharp. Sorry! Love them both. Beautiful children in a gorgeous composition. Best wishes to you sweetie.....Ray
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 11/23/2005
Thanks Vanessa!
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 11/23/2005
Thanks Ahmed! It's not easy trying to get TWO little ones to cooperate when they're getting their pictures taken!
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 11/22/2005
The softness and the tones here give a nice feel to it. But the sharper one seems better. This is a beautiful capture of a nice moment.
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 11/22/2005
Thanks Pat. I don't have PS yet, but when I do get it I will try out the layer mask. Thanks for your help!
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 11/22/2005
Lovely portrait ,like the way it looks like an old photo.I prefer the sharper picture ,best wishes vanessa
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 11/22/2005
I like it better, I think ultimatly you might want to add a layer mask and reveal the shapened image selectivly. Bring out the detail elements like hair, facial features. ruffles in the clothes here and there. Use the technique to draw your viewer's eye...
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 11/22/2005
Thanks Pat. I couldn't decide if I should post the photo with a softer focus or not. In the end, I posted the softer version. I will attach a sharper version for you. What do you think?

Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 11/22/2005
Nice portrait, nastalgic look. Only wish it was sharper