i feel this is a beautiful moment lived between the three childrens. The eldest is provoking the play to go on, to be tough, a little bit softer when required. Her care can be seen in her movement the second after her is catching the fun that she is creating and the youngest of them all is ecstatically running out of her inner desire to catch what is slipping out of her hand and so is the game developed between the three wonderful childrens......... well, as each thing has it own limitation so is my camera suffers the same insanity shackeled in its feet... it is not a high profile camera like u all have..... well then this did not stoped me to load this u can take it as a ecstatic moment from the poor mans heart....hope u like it ......thank you
It does not matter what camera you use sanjeev.The expression of happiness and fun in the children is the same.well done a happy image.best wishes vanessa
I like this shot sanjeev its very natural, but i think if u had changed the shutter speed of ur cam to freeze the movement of the children would have been better. I made this mistake be4. Still i like it :) well done.