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Photographer: Linda Motyka  (Karma=540)
Howey In The Hills, FL USA 

About: As a young mother of two, photography was a way to capture my family at different moments in time and in growth. Those were good days, rich in laughter and love. A feeling of acomplishment at the end of a busy day, the wee ones tucked in bed, my husband and I sitting quietly, shoulders touching. No television, no distractions. Whenever I gaze at my photograph albums I remember those times, the smell of summer, the way the light played on my daughter's golden hair in the afternoon sun. Now, many years after my children have grown up and moved away, I pick up the camera once again. Only this time it's a digital camera and I feel that I am starting over. Where I was once motivated to document and preserve precious memories, now I hope to nourish my creative side and bring about a balance in my life. When I view the photos all of you have taken, I realize I have just started on my journey. Your encouragement and suggestions will do much to help me on my way. Thank you for taking the time.

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Page #        
There are 6 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Number 5

Number 5
Linda Motyka
Comments 3
Views 341
Rating 6.33 / 3 
Minolta Dimage 7i

Picture Title - A mother's love

A mother's love
Linda Motyka
Comments 3
Views 321
Rating Pending / 1 
Minolta Dimage 7i

Picture Title - It springs forth

It springs forth
Linda Motyka
Comments 8
Views 334
Rating 5.93 / 7 
Minolta Dimage 7i

Picture Title - little Alien

little Alien
Linda Motyka
Comments 2
Views 335
Rating Pending / 2 
Minolta Dimage 7i

Picture Title - Natural beauty

Natural beauty
Linda Motyka
Comments 1
Views 347
Rating Pending / 1 
Minolta Dimage 7i

Picture Title - Vine

Linda Motyka
Comments 4
Views 400
Rating 5.87 / 3 
Minolta Dimage 7i



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