Photograph By Adam Orzechowski
Adam O.
Photograph By richard wheeler
richard w.
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Christopher J.
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Andre D.
Photograph By Gaetan Dery
Gaetan D.
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Alfons R.
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Paul H.
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a. S.
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Photographer: Mário Ferreira  (Karma=17)
Porto, Porto Portugal 

About: A Fotografia é a arte de conseguir expressar um momento, único, que só pertence a um par de olhos.E a mais nenhum. Pois, cada um vê o mundo á sua maneira.É, portanto, a expressão mais íntima do olhar do fotógrafo sobre o que ele vê, e, por isso, uma das mais sublimes formas de expressão do ser humano, pois consegue transformar um segundo numa imagem que poderá ficar para sempre


The Photography is the art to obtain or express a singular moment, that it only belongs to a pair of eyes. And to no body else. Therefore, each one sees the world at its way. It is the closest expression of the look of the photographer on what it sees, and, therefore, one of the most sublime forms of expression of the human being and can transform a second into an image that could be forever ................... Mário J. Ferreira

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Page #        
There are 2 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Strawberry

Mário Ferreira
Comments 2
Views 376
Rating Pending / 2 
Pentax MZ

Picture Title - Desert Rose - Tunisia

Desert Rose - Tunisia
Mário Ferreira
Comments 1
Views 402
Rating Pending / 1 
Pentax MZ50



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