Photographer: Craig Beckman (Karma=422)
castro valley, ca usa
About: This site has helped me out with all of my camera and lense questions. I just recently picked up a D70(with the help of my dad's 2004/05 christmas contribution)and finally entered digital. I had a hand me down older Nikon EM that I had shot very few rolls over my short lifespan. The EM was a fun camera! At the time I realized one day I would try to take it more serious as well as enjoy more on what digital/photography has to offer.... After shooting digital I wanted to further challenge myself and go to a manual film camera, I bought a Mamiya RB67 with a few lenses. All I can say is I hope you have a good memory if you use one of these.. All in all I like both formats but lean more twards the RB due to the small DOF and softness of film.
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