Photographer: Chris Spracklen (Karma=32552)
About: I'm a church pastor pursuing photography, (and the use of Photoshop), primarily as a hobby, but also as something that can add visual impact to my work.
I currently use two Nikon D70s ~ one fitted with an 18-70mm IF-ED AF-S 'D' lens and the other one with a 70-300mm AF 'G' series lenses. (The reason I bought a second was because I got fed up with the 'dust buggies' that accumulated as a result of continually switching lenses!!) Most of my early work was shot with my trusty Fuji S602Z ~ the camera that really got me going in digital photography.
Since joining the Usefilm community I feel I've made a whole host of new friends, a number of which, as well as being a source of great inspiration, have been of significant help and encouragement to me.
If you'd like to see some complete galleries of my pictures ~ most of which are English landscapes ~ please visit : http://www.pbase.com/moorlands.
Alternatively, if you'd like to see 'the best' of my Usefilm uploads, just click on 'the best' portfolio!
My e-mail is: chrisspracklen@btopenworld.com
Thanks for dropping by!
My best regards to all, Chris
There are 51 images in 2 Pages
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