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Photographer: absynthius .  (Karma=20748)
., .  

About: (in crafting a desired theme, despite what that is about, the true craftsman unknowingly upsets the given of all the other themes. there is nothing partial in his quest. just when he has stroke his heights in some field, he finds that he has made way for another one, where everything he has said before must be said again slightly different. the outcome is that what he has dag for he does not yet have. it remains to be sought out; still, the finding itself calls forth a further pursuit. the idea of a universal theme, its totalization made flesh, thoroughly and definitively achieved process bears an idea bereft of sense. for the craftsman the world will always be yet to be carved, even if it lasts millions of years... and so it will, ending without being conquered by that (any) craft.)

Please contact me at: for any further inquiry about my work.

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There are 1 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - possible contours of a supposed entity

possible contours of a
absynthius .
Comments 16
Views 1013
Rating 6.80 / 10 



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