Photographer: Keith Naylor (Karma=13064)
About: Just got round to re-vamping my profile. I've now been a member of this site for approximately 2 years and it's still keeping me engaged.
Looking back through my portfolio even I can detect that my submissions have changed. There are fewer clangers nowadays, and I attribute that to the help and guidance provided by the Usefilm Membership. I really do appreciate all the constructive comments.
I've also made some very good friendships here, and those people really do a great job in keeping my enthusiasm going.
Thanks guys.
I travel through the Peak District National Park in the UK most days, which is why the vast majority of my images are of this beautiful place. Landscapes being my big passion, together with an obsession about image composition.
I have no pre-conceived ideas about augmentation of an image using PS, though I like to think my 'style' (if I have one) results in natural looking images.
Portfolio: macro&abstract
There are 7 images in 1 Pages