Photographer: Mohammed Al-kubaisi (Karma=55)
About: Hi,My name is Mohammed J. Al-Kubaisi I have started the photographic hobby at my young age without any experience or even without basic knowledge of this profession. But the turning point of my life begins from January 2005 when I joint my training at al jassara cultural center where my trainer was Mr. Shouqi Othman (who is private photographer of Mr. Jaffer Mohd. Nomairi ex – president of republic of Sudan). I have great respect and obliged to Mr. Shouqi Othamn who teach me the values & basic knowledge of photographic profession. After completion of this training I started my own practice on higher scale and joint Adigicam.com website also. Because of this site, administration and member of this society, which provide me opportunities to gain lot of basic knowledge and values about this profession. I have completed many courses at Optical Art Center with well known personalities like; Mr. Khalid Ismail & Mr. Hussain Al Jabber. This was the most important time for me to enjoy the company of professional people of this field. I joint (Portrait) course with Qatar Photographic Society under patronage of honorable Mr. Mohd. Al Mannai who is a great scholar legend of photographic world. I would like to capture each & every beautiful movement of our life & Nature. My lenses are always focus on scenes at first sight.
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