Photographer: Alex Beverstock (Karma=137)
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
About: Im a 20 year old mother of one, my baby boy Che' was born September 10th 2005. Che' and I live in Petone in NZ with Che's dad and my fiance' Caleb who is a full time artisan baker. Ive just been getting into photography recently as my Nana has lent me her digital camera, both my parents are professional photographers though which is cool! My Mum just got into photography the past year but my Dads been doing it for as long as I can remember, He is currently living in London at the moment teaching camerawork to students, the filming kind not photography kind though. My Mum is a member of usefilm also, her name is Jacquie Lindsay and shes taken heaps of wicked shots! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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