Photograph By Federico Wilhelm
Federico W.
Photograph By Gene Zonis
Gene Z.
Photograph By Florin Pavel
Florin P.
Photograph By Gregory McLemore
Gregory M.
Photograph By The Pilgrim
The P.
Photograph By Michael Berry
Michael B.
Photograph By Paul Harrett
Paul H.
Photograph By a. Scarabeo
a. S.
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About: "Lately I’ve been struck with how I really love what you can’t see in a photograph. An actual physical darkness. And it’s very thrilling for me to see darkness again."

Diane Arbus

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"The artist's world is limitless.

It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep."

Paul Strand

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Throw away the freakin' photography "rules". . . bring impact, bring POWER, bring style, bring tension, bring emotion, bring something new. . .

Like a child, bring mAGIC. . . evoke. . . push boundries.

There are no rules, the only limits are inside one's self. . .

My vision is not for the faint of heart. . . it is simply a rollercoaster. . .

For those that get dizzy or frightened at going up and down, or going through dark tunnels at the speed of sound, you better not get on board...............



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"In whatever one does, there must be a relationship between the eye and the heart. . .

If one photographs people, it is their inner look that must be revealed."

Henri Cartier-Bresson

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"It's just seeing - at least the photography I care about. You either see or you don't see. The rest is academic. Anyone can learn how to develop. It's how you organize what you see into a picture."

Elliott Erwitt

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