Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/5/2005 6:27:21 AM
Great scenary, is it a salt mine? Good composition with the character; Regards Andrea
Photo By: arian mumxhiu
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/5/2005 6:26:10 AM
Sdravei, mnogo krasiva...that's all my bulgarian!!! you got the right shutter speed cause the effect on the falling water is good. But I don't like the part on the bottom on the right with this piece of wood. Heide!!! Andrea
Photo By: Denitsa Popova
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/4/2005 10:06:45 AM
Really nice macro, good focusing...regards Andrea
Photo By: Tim Donnel
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/4/2005 5:01:15 AM
I've seen the movie, didn't know the bridge was still there. Nice picture, good perspective. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Wez
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/4/2005 4:58:08 AM
Bella foto giornalistica, l'uomo nel suo ambiente professionale. Mi piacciono queste foto perchč ci obbligano ad avere un contatto molto ravvicinato col soggetto e senz'altro non sono facilissime da ottenere. Ottimo lavoro!! Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Vittorio Coppola
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/4/2005 3:33:55 AM
very very sensual...like the composition and the atmosphere. Regards Andrea
Photo By: gus tinov
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/4/2005 3:29:03 AM
Bellisimi colori....magici riflessi!! La realtą si confonde col sogno, veniamo trasportati in una nuova dimensione. La posizione delle anatre fa pensare ad un ulteriore asse di simmetria. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Rossano Balloco
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/4/2005 3:16:50 AM
Ottima composizione, l'acqua del mare č bellissima...peccato solo che il cielo sia bianco.... Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Giulio Rotelli
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/4/2005 3:12:25 AM
Astonishing capture!! The strength of nature!! Good work, compliments. Regards Andrea
Photo By: David Wheat
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 5:33:38 PM
Really delicate
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 5:30:48 PM
Wonderful model and shot...the atmosphere is just fantastic: clasicism and provocation together. I'm in extasy!!! Andrea
Photo By: Ewa Brzozowska
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 5:25:34 PM
Very original indeed and pleasant...it's something different all that we are used to see here. Thanks to share. Regards Andrea
Photo By: sydney lucas
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 5:21:59 PM
That's really good!!! Simple but strong...great efect. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Dorival Moreira
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 5:17:16 PM
Really nice composition with the four bellies, the the people and finally the old buildings. This picture street photo and graphism together. Good work!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Jeno Apu
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 5:12:20 PM
Moody with all this fog, if you do the prints by yourself you could darken the area upon the tree, I mean the corner on the top on the right. If think this should create a more dramatic effect and "close" the picture. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 5:08:29 PM
Recalls me a Vermeer painting...nice work!! Iagree with John about the white area. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Hanna Segal
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 8:43:53 AM
Very good contrast in the B&W tones and between the two expressions of the characters. Good work! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Ireland Hoang
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 8:21:30 AM
makes me think about the Hitchcock's movie Vertigo... bye
Photo By: Alex Wasyluk
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 8:19:57 AM
Lovely composition and compliments cause even the light is perfect!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Mohammed Iskhakov
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 7:59:41 AM
Classic and beautiful view of the northern sea...nice colors and composition. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 7:51:34 AM
Wonderful macro...a diificult capture perfectly executed...compliments!!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 7:50:20 AM
Astonishing macro...it's really looking at you!!! threatening you!!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Joggie van Staden
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 7:48:38 AM
That's what I call a good education!!! Your an excellent pother ideed...regards Andrea
Photo By: Jessica Dittmer
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 1:52:47 AM
Thanx for your comment Dubravko, I had a look at your comment and I really anjoyed it. This photo attracted my attention cause I have one similar with two chairs in a park. This one has an avantage, teh woman walking down the street with the umbrella. You really captured the perfect character to complete yout picture and I can imagine you were quite happy of this chance. Of course the B&W treatement is perfect... Regards Andrea
Photo By: Dubravko Grakalic
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 1:09:38 AM
Astonishing macro, wonderful details on the fly's eyes. regards Andrea
Photo By: krekk
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/31/2005 6:20:19 AM
The composition and the woman beauty are astonishing. You did a good job by putting everything in a natural frame. Compliments!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Robo Pritrsky
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/31/2005 1:52:57 AM
Hello, good social contrast!!! The B&W work is good. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Sven Burkhard
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 7:06:22 AM
Bellissima anche questa, pero' per le mani sfuocate fanno perdere forza al personaggio e la parte bianca a sinistra della capanna fa "uscire" lo sguardo dall'immagine. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Gianluca Di Santo
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 7:02:58 AM
Stupenda!!!! L'espressione della bambina č la luce che l'illumina sono spettacolari, la presenza delle due donne sullo sfondo sfocato arricchisce sicuramente la composizione. Merita indubbiamente un 7, fra l'altro apprezzo moltisso anche il mezzo fotgrafico che hai utilizzato. La rolleiflex č un vero gioiello. Complimenti Andrea
Photo By: Gianluca Di Santo
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 6:34:49 AM
Nice colors, observing your composition I guess you have been atracted by the movement of the women's feet beating the music ryhthm. Good travel picture. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Artur Gerasch