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Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/21/2006 11:19:16 PM

hey you are the one who went travelling
welcome back and hope you had a nice time, waiting to see the results, i heared there was boats and fish involved
it was really a nice concert, and we missed your presence. we are going again mostly next Saturday ISA.
see you tom. at the exhibition.
PS. y r uup too late? u have work tom.
        Photo By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/21/2006 10:57:07 PM

nice one Rasha.
your tannoura seems to spin faster than mine
i like its motion, it is strange how the outer thick line gives a catchy effect.
i don't feel ok with the over exposure though, but that is me, i can be so PICKY sometimes
see you tom at the exhibition GOD WILLING.
        Photo By: ray  abodeeb   (K:811)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/21/2006 5:10:21 PM

Hey Mohammed.
there is ABSOLOUTLY NO NEED to apologize, i don't know if my reply was offensive to you or not, i never meant it to be so, i was just explaining that this is all NATURAL due to geometry and science. even if u misunderstood the photo, this is nothing to apologize for, we are all here to learn, EVEN ME.
have a nice day.
        Photo By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/21/2006 3:43:12 PM

There is no mistake here Mohammed.
the blur is there, but as a simple geometric rule, you can hardly notice the blur in the edge cause it rotates the same way, but the radial sectors of the colors will seem more blurry cause they are perpindecular to the direction of movement. and the color is really vivid cause the edge is covered with silky material.
There is no Photoshop used here unless for trying to remove the noise , even no cropping.
        Photo By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/20/2006 6:23:08 AM

really nice angle Kathy, i like the angle you approached this beauty, it is marvellous. the DOF and lighting are great too.
        Photo By: Kathy Hillard  (K:25721)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/20/2006 6:12:13 AM

nice photo Kathy. really nice lighting (window light i guess) and the DOF did the rest. cute looks on his face too. well catched.
        Photo By: Kathy Hillard  (K:25721)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/20/2006 6:10:00 AM

This is a Wonderfull Macro Susie. indeed it is.
amazing DOF and lighting you have here, despite the beauty of the flower itself. i like most how the inner part seems to be dusty and tends to look like under shadows. well done.
        Photo By: Susie OConnor  (K:34798)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/20/2006 6:06:44 AM

Nice little Fella u got here, he seems all nasty and playfull little thing.
very nice DOF and i like how the tails tends to fade into the background.only the over exposed are of wood at the bottom right might be distracting or seem missing, still a very nice shot though.
My apologies for my lack of comments, may say i am on the low curve recently, but hopefully will be catching up.
Take care my friend.
        Photo By: Susie OConnor  (K:34798)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/20/2006 6:01:56 AM

so thats why u have been disappearing from UF.
GOod luck Ina, i know it is a BIG headache. GOD be with you.
nice set of images you have on the wall
waiting for your exeptional comments.
        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/10/2006 9:06:39 PM

very POETIC MOHAMMED, wonderfull Natural light.
as an architect i adore such craft in old buildings.
well done and a winning photo here.
keep it up.
        Photo By: Mohamed Hussien  (K:8371)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/6/2006 7:55:03 AM

very nice photo Rachel, i like the simplicity of the composition yet the profession in setting it.
very nice DOF at the background, i can only ccomment that it lacks for some point of interest as there is no part of the flower is shown with clear sharp details.
well done and nice portfolio you have here.
        Photo By: Rachel S.  (K:17)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
5/2/2006 11:11:53 PM

never mind Rasha, we do it all the time
anyway, u can retrieve my mail from my portfolio. feel free to contact me anytime.
        Photo By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/18/2006 12:14:33 PM

I guess this is the best one of that series Borham, the shininess of the metal and the tones of the intersected shadows are excellent.
i like the rough texture of the metal and the cropping too.
nice piece here.
        Photo By: AHMAD BORHAM  (K:1362)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/18/2006 12:07:06 PM

i like it alot Kelly,
it really gives me a sense of time factor looking at it, the tones, textures and angle are all great.
well done here.
        Photo By: Kelly Duntley  (K:13889) Donor

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/18/2006 12:02:16 PM

nice collage Susie, some of them really has great DOF , but some shows both the forground and the background with the same clarity.
i like most the middle row and the left coloumn.
well done.
        Photo By: Susie OConnor  (K:34798)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/17/2006 8:36:34 AM

what a photo Kahty, it looks much better than it is in the thumbnail. i like your word MISFIT, could be a title.
i can see the softness of the tulips in the near ones.
well composed and exposured.
well done.
        Photo By: Kathy Hillard  (K:25721)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/17/2006 8:13:02 AM

wonderfull work Kathy, seems i have been missing alot of your work lately. i apologize for that.
wonderfull collage, the close shots have great lighting and exposure, all of them , but the DOF needs to be less in order to have more blurry backgrounds, u need to reach your lens's extreme.
i admire the font you chose too, very suitable.
        Photo By: Kathy Hillard  (K:25721)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/17/2006 8:07:04 AM

what a fence Susie, what a fence
i would like to have one like this someday
congrats for the manual mode, u should keep it that way, full control over every little detail
the photo is well composed, saturated and exposed.
welcome back and wish you nice holidays.
have a nice time.
        Photo By: Susie OConnor  (K:34798)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/17/2006 8:04:26 AM

nice to see you back again, i missed your abstracts.
very nice post, wonderfull textures and shadows, alittle over exposed too.
well done and waiting for more.
        Photo By: Robert Kocs  (K:89085)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/16/2006 9:16:31 AM

nice IMPACT Hatem.
nice to have you back.
i like the action in the mood.
well done.
        Photo By: hatem yehia  (K:3232)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/16/2006 9:12:34 AM

wonderfull silhouettes Sherif.
the composition is superb too.
wonderfull dealing with the sun light.
keep it up.
        Photo By: sherif el gohary  (K:419)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/16/2006 7:46:53 AM

wonderfull composition Sherif, i like how the main element of the photo hides behind the leaves. gives a new meaning in this photo.
        Photo By: sherif hussein  (K:13815)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/16/2006 7:45:52 AM

u know what i always think of this photo Ahmed, a candle and a cake
seems i am hungry
nice DOF and colors. seems the day was worth the sun burns
well done ya man.
        Photo By: AHMAD BORHAM  (K:1362)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/16/2006 7:31:34 AM

nice movement in the pattern Khaled.
i like it.
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/15/2006 4:34:05 PM

this is wonderfull Inas, i like the tones and the contrast.
very nice lines and composition.
well done.
        Photo By: Enas Moussa  (K:7470)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/15/2006 4:07:32 PM

wonderfull and neat series Jeanette.
i love how you see things.
impressive work as usual and i do like the scratchs upon the surface.
well done.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/15/2006 3:43:09 PM

wonderfull Macro.
i like the mood you provide here, very artistic presentation
would you kindly try not to stick your signature to the photo border? you could rather use a watermark or move it alittle pit towards the outer frame.
again a very nice work.
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/15/2006 3:22:32 PM

wonderfull macro Kelly.
i like the DOF and the lighting.
it seems popping out of the photo although the color of the background is green too.
well done.
        Photo By: Kelly Duntley  (K:13889) Donor

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/15/2006 3:20:48 PM

wonderfull work here.
the elevational angle and the DOF are superb.
i like most the details of the surface at the forground.
        Photo By: Salvatore Rossignolo  (K:13559)

Critique By: Yahya El Hosafy  (K:8369)  
4/15/2006 1:49:48 PM

wonderfull photo Ludek.
amazing contrast and tones, i like the composition alot, wish those curved steps were straight.
wonderfull job.
        Photo By: Ludek Kvicala  (K:408)

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