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Cloud Shadows
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Image Title:  Cloud Shadows
Favorites: 2 
 By: Kim Culbert  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Kim Culbert {Karma:37070}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon FG
Categories Deep Blue
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 50 mm
Uploaded 7/8/2003 Film / Memory Type Velvia
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1227 Shutter bulb
Favorites Aperture f11
Critiques 43 Rating
/ 23 Ratings
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About Taken on the way to Squamish. I was disappointed at first that the sun wasn't out and the clouds were everywhere. To answer me, the sun peeked its head out for a few minutes so I could take some shots. Mountains and water... does it get any better?
Comments appreicated.
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There are 43 Comments in 1 Pages
sharon wright   {K:3} 2/16/2004
I just love this. The colours you've achieved are magnificent. I live in Vancouver and know this drive well. You've captured it perfectly.


Rob Giuffrida   {K:434} 1/27/2004
Beautiful shot - you've got lot's of great photos on here - congrats!


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 11/7/2003
Excellent photo! I like it so much.


Diamantino Mendes   {K:12959} 9/25/2003
Wonderful and lovely place, majestic tones ... congrats!


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 9/15/2003
Amazing!This view remind me on some children story.Perfect photo!Bravo Kim!


Toni Martin   {K:5092} 8/28/2003
Kim, don't know if you have seen this yet. Anyway, just for you.


Toni Martin   {K:5092} 8/25/2003
Wow, this is nice. Cool and warm at the same time. If it weren't for the sky, you would think this was night light on a glacier.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 8/20/2003
great tones.wonderful landscape.


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 8/7/2003


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 7/31/2003
Thanks for taking a look Dave... I was awed by the colour as well.. that's why the truck HAD to stop so I could take some pics.
As for the white in the middle, I think that that particular area was just where the polarising filter couldn't smooth out the water, as I actually scanned this straight from the slide on a friend's scanner. The white is just the tops of waves reflecting light, but the filter obviously couldn't remove the glare. But a few people have mentioned that they notice them right away, so it's probably worth cloning them out.
Thanks again


Dave Holland Dave Holland   {K:13074} 7/30/2003
I thought this was a freshwater lake until I read the caption. The torquoise color seems a little odd for ocean. That said, the view is captivating. You seem to be still having some trouble with your scanner, note the white flecks down the middle, easily cloned out with photoshop. Also the grain seems prominent. I like the tonal, balance, and I didn't notice (or care) about the blurred foreground.


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 7/27/2003
I love the landscapes of western Canada so much, I had a very pleasent and impressive holiday there in this picture "speaks" to me in a very special way...great.


Richard Blount   {K:8015} 7/19/2003
Very beautiful, well done and best regards- Richard.


MaryBell    {K:32791} 7/17/2003

I like the darkness of this scene. I also like the tones - I think that from a compositional stand-point what I would do is crop a bit more from the bottom and a bit from the left - so that you don't have ragged edges. The bottom crop would also help a bit with the fuzzy foreground. I would also pull down the curves slightly and fiddle with brightness and contrast.

If you want I will email you what I did in PS if you want to know.


BTW regarding my floral - I don't know on that shot because I took that the first day I ever used my macro. I could tell you on some of my other shots...


Pete Pantsari   {K:4196} 7/16/2003
I don't have any great and wonderful technical suggestions or comments about this, just that I think it's spectacular. The mountain silouettes against the clouds and sky - it's really nice. The water looks almost unreal to me since there's no definition to it. It's just green and smooth, with shadows. I'm not bothered by the evergreens in the foreground - I think they frame the lake just fine. Very fine effort on this one. Regards.


Audrey Reid   {K:5872} 7/16/2003
Hi Kim,
It was fun reading through all the above comments. You'll have to watch out for all these camera techno guys who comb through your camera details - haha.
Me, I'm just here to say I love the composition, the colours, in fact just about all of the image speaks 'beautiful'. Especially the clouds.
If I had to pick - Becky's few white spots, and the foreground is slightly dark.
Nonetheless, really nice shot.


Rafal K. Komierowski   {K:6441} 7/15/2003
Kim, first of all thank you for your comments about "sunset'. Secondly pleasure to see your work from the same city:)))) You have many very good composed images in your portfolio with very interesting observations of our countryside... Here in this composition you have nicely presented scene and some problems with DOF could be corrected by re-shooting with more attention to contrast...BTW all about photography is to have fun...and you doing very good...Warm regards....from Calgary, Rafal


sahin s   {K:1872} 7/13/2003
nice shot


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 7/10/2003
Well done, beautiful!!


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 7/9/2003
I am aware of the hyperfocal distances... and I do have a 28mm, but for this scene the 28 wasn't working, with the set up of the land. So, I gave up some DOF for the scene that I wanted to portray. When I go back next time I am going to take a ton of pictures from many different angles and see what comes of it.
Thanks for everything!


Elangovan S   {K:10675} 7/9/2003
Kim, so your 50 mm is not good enough for this scene. If you had wider angle lens say, 35mm or 28mm, with (maybe) f/16 you would have got the fg in focus. I m sure you would be aware of "Hyperfocal distance"... which is very important when you want to get "near to far" in focus. If you were not aware of it explore about it.

PS: I m really sorry if this is a repetitive inoformation to you.



Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 7/9/2003
Thanks Elangovan! I'll change my aperture, although I don't know why you're so fussy! 2 seconds is perfectly normal .. hahahhaha (oops).
I think I was sitting at the f11 range for this, but the fact that the water was so far away and the shrubs and trees in the foreground were so close that I couldn't frame them well enough to get them all in focus.
Juan, thanks for the book info. I'll have to look them up and take a read. I did meter on the water, in order to focus more on it, and lose some of the detail on the trees in the foreground, though. The polarisers helped to reduce the glare on the water so that the colour could shine, as I find that the intensity of the water is still present in this image. What part of it do you think is lost?
As well, I've been to the Rockies, and I know the waters there can get like this as well... it's stunning. Just to let you know, this is on the west coast, the stretch of ocean inlet heading up to Whistler.
Becky... I will clone out the little white spot, as I wouldn't want anyone to think that the person's scanner that I used was dirty! *grin*
Masahiko, how come the whole left mountain is distracting to you? Just curious as to other framing ideas... if I can figure out why you find it distracting, I can try something different next time.

Anyways, thanks for all the great suggestions... this is a place I will revisit for sure!


Juan Casero   {K:359} 7/8/2003
I think the subject brightness range is outside the recording range of your film. I think I know where this body of water is located. I saw a special on the travel channel some months ago that included a lake in the northwestern canadian rockies whose waters were an intense and very bright aquamarine color. I think this is probably the same place. Your composition is great, but the brightness of the water has fooled your camera's auto exposure system and the result is the underexposed image you see on the page. The intensity of the brightness of the lake water is lost as is the level of detail of the forest on the bottom third of the image. It would have probably been best to spot meter the water then increase the settings about 3 exposure values (or open up a few stops) and with those settings take the picture. This way you would be assured of capturing the brightness of the lake water and at the same time would have kep the detail of the forest part of the image in the picture. Bahman Farzad has authored a couple of good books on the simplified zone system for exposure determination. The more complete of the two books is entitled "The Confused Photographer's Guide to Photographic Exposure and the Simplified Zone System". He has another book that is less comprehensive but I recommend this one as it is more complete. Each book is relatively easy to understand and will help you address situations like this one.


Elangovan S   {K:10675} 7/8/2003
Hats off, Kim. fantastic.. like a painting. Great rendering of so many colors, Great use of fg trees to frame the mountains the lake(?). Simply great. I guess this can get better if the fg was in better focus. or is this because it was so windy?

Your data is bit confused here. 2 secs in aperture, maybe you wanted to say in the shutter speed, right? Anyways I get the picture.

However, this is great scene and you have done a great job.



Becky V   {K:9699} 7/8/2003
I do find the foreground somewhat distracting. I guess with such a cloudy day, there was light falling on the grass and flowers, but not on the trees in the midground. As a result, the eye is drawn towards that foreground, which is an inconsequential part of the photograph. I'd try toning them down by using the burn tool in PS. (And maybe try sharpening the treeline a bit too . . .) Also, there's a small white spot just to the left of center on the water. It could be a sparkle, but it kind of looks like a bit of fluff that always seems to sneak onto the scanner glass when one is scanning.

I love how unique this photo is. The shadow of the clouds on the water is unlike anything I've seen before. I also like how you managed to get colour separation in the mountains in the distance.

Great job - it gives me hope for cloudy day shooting!


Priyadarshi Sinha   {K:7238} 7/8/2003
very good !!!


Masahiko Shibata Masahiko Shibata   {K:14107} 7/8/2003
Beautiful scene!!But the front forest and left mountain are distracting for me.The main theme must be the beautiful lake surface.
You could't take this from higher position?


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 7/8/2003
Thanks so much to everyone who has taken a look and commented on this image of mine... it means a lot to know that it's being seen.
I'm curious for any constructive comments, as I don't think of this as perfect, in fact I see many flaws. For instance the slightly out of focus foreground is a distraction to me... is it for anyone else?
I would really appreciate a deeper look into this and tell me what you feel about it... what can I improve on?
Thanks again for taking a look! Don't worry, I've got thick skin!


Sandor Szollos   {K:7681} 7/8/2003
Very nice shot! Regards,Sandor


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 7/8/2003
Very nice shot!
Great atmosphere.
Regards, _Alberto


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 7/8/2003
Beautiful capture and Fantastic landscape.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 7/8/2003
Thanks for all the wonderful comments.
I will have to get back out here before Olympic fever takes over and there isn't a peaceful spot left at all! *grin*
Thanks to everyone for taking a look!


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 7/8/2003
Beautiful compositoin and colours.


Günter Koth   {K:13841} 7/8/2003
Beautiful landscape. Well composed with nice colors. Excellent shot, Kim. Regards, Günter.


Ken Richardson   {K:1381} 7/8/2003
Yes it gets better. Mountains and whater in Black and white. LOL. ANyway nice shot and great color of that water. Nice framing with the trees. I might prefer them in full sillouette not sure. As to the "food shot" of mine thanks for the look. THe light was a by product but not a surprise. As you know incandescent adds that yellowish tone to things. I thought it worked in this one. Regards. Nice job.


Terry Graham Terry Graham   {K:616} 7/8/2003
Very nice photograph, nice composition, colours and lighting.
You should go take more, because this tranquil road will be changing a lot in the next few years due to the Olympics. I've travelled this road several times as I love to windsurf at Squamish.


Rajkumar Dutta   {K:1548} 7/8/2003
composition is good, the colour of water is very nice, however it is bit dark.


Eva Backlund   {K:2374} 7/8/2003
Beautiful landscape, with wonderful colours. Very nice image!


Ursula I Abresch   {K:6515} 7/8/2003
I love the "surreal" look of this picture. Very nice.


cinzia gregorutti   {K:4721} 7/8/2003
davvero una foto e un posto incredibili! regards.


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 7/8/2003
Excellent pictire,good treatment of sky and sea.


lidian neeleman   {K:6700} 7/8/2003
Wonderful colors! I like the image a lot!


Gianni Di Stefano   {K:18} 7/8/2003
Colori molto rilassanti




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