Roger Williams
{K:86139} 5/6/2006
Hi, Hugo, thanks for visiting and commenting. Since I joined Usefilm I have learned to boost colour saturation more than I ever used to feel was natural, but obviously I still have some way to go before I satisfy the real lovers of highly saturated colours. In my young days, "saturated" was a bad thing to say about colours. The reds in this shot are right on the verge of full saturation, so there's really no more "oomph" to be added without going over the top.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 5/4/2006
This is indeed the most beautiful bicycle park I have ever seen Roger. What a wonderful blaze of colour your two shots of this contain. Well seen Roger and very well composed...Cheers...Ray
1301307 60
{K:44058} 5/3/2006
Hi Roger, I didn't know I miss so much of your images... This is a wonderful scene, i called my daughter to view it also because I want her to see it. She's an architech and she appreciated it very much... very colorful place and nicely captured.. BTW, which is the bicycle lane here the one at the upper or the black pavement??
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/3/2006
Hi Roger,
Very nice photo, the offcentered perspecitve is a very good choice, and I like this scene. Intersting bit of background information too. Without it, I would never have guessed it was a bicycle park.
I think increasing the saturation a bit could perhaps increase the impact of this shot, drawing more emphasis to the flowers on the roof. Very nice bit of architecture!
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/3/2006
Very great compo dear Roger the colors are amazing my friend !! joćo
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 5/2/2006
great perspective and nature..unusual and pleasant view. well done Paolo
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 5/2/2006
Wow!!! Roger, these azaleas must be a joy to the eyes! To see them all in bloom.....what a dream it is and it remains a dream because I could never see them all in bloom. Best regards, Gabriela