Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 1/13/2007
I guess you're right Collin, when they are used for capturing the scene and not for some kind of impossible heavens or something. Learning to work with them in a reasonable manner is a good thing to do.
Best wishes,
Collin Stebbins
{K:1868} 1/13/2007
Hi Nick, at one stage I didn't like using filters either, but unless you can always shoot at the best time of day they are essential. The dynamic range in your image is far too great to capture. I don't think ND grads are cheating - I think they help you to capture the image that you can see. Regards, Collin.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 1/13/2007
Thanks a lot, Jan! The DoF and the clarity of the water were exactly the reasons for me to take that this way.
Have a nice weekend,
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 1/13/2007
Thank you very much for the ideas, Collin! I'll have to try them out. I don't like filters and PS-methods in general but I guess that sometimes it has to be.
But your third idea to take that when the sunlight comes from low behind me - I go for that tomorrow (if it is not cloudy).
Many thanks and best wishes,
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 1/13/2007
¡Gracias muy mucho, Alicia! ¡Estoy alegre tú tengo gusto de él!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 1/13/2007
Thank you very much for the comment and the idea, Angela! I don't like filters in general but in such a case it might really help. Still I would like to know if one could manage that using only some particular settings.
Have a nice weekend,
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 1/13/2007
Nick -- Wonderful and impressive depth of field and the cropping and composition of this beautiful scene are "right on". The distortion of the w/a lens adds depth and dimension to the photo and enhance it significantly. Very pleasing scene to view. NOTE: the water looks so clear! --Best to you, Jan
Collin Stebbins
{K:1868} 1/13/2007
Hi Nick, nice shot. Have you thought about using graduated neutral density filters? The tops of the building would underexpose but you can burn them in with photoshop. The other option may be to take an exposure for the sky and an exposure for the foreground and via layer masks in PS erase the blown sky to reveal the properly exposed sky. One more idea - take the shot again (if possible) with the sun low behind you. Best regards, Collin.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/13/2007
Qué transparencia en el agua!!! El curso guía la mirada y permite recorrer todo el paisaje... felicitaciones una preciosa perspectiva!
Angela DeLong
{K:3050} 1/13/2007
I like the composition and the wide angle feel.
To keep the colors from being washed out and still be able to capture the stones in the water, you may want to try a polorized filter. I'm not an expert, and you may already have tried this, but there's my two cents. :)