. B
{K:1815} 8/24/2008
Wow Brigitte this is one of my favorites! I love the water and waterfall, nicely done with the composition and exposure! You are doing so great my friend:)
{K:13087} 7/17/2008
this is so dreamy!! nice effect of long exposure.
Tony Quilty
{K:591} 8/26/2007
Really beautiful Brigitte. Good job!
--------- -------------
{K:-2131} 8/24/2007
Very nice place.
M. Š.
{K:2697} 8/14/2007
Really beautiful place! Great ambience lighting, cool waterfall! And I like waterfalls! Could stare at one for hours. Excellent shot! 7!
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 7/30/2007
Beautiful capture of a beautiful spot, Brigitte! I like the blur of the waterfall.
reza goudarzi
{K:7097} 7/13/2007
wow super landscape! thsi is the photo of the day realuy! +++7 i like this image so much.realy beutiful place and good capture dear brigitte. regards, reza.
don blasingame
{K:3492} 7/10/2007
This is a rock solid image, brigitte. nicely composed, good colors. very well done. very professional image
{K:11377} 6/28/2007
Hi Brigitte!!!This is a beautiful photograph! you done excellent job. The composition lighting and the colorful textures are magnificent!!! Cheers to you:) Harry
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 6/24/2007
Nice shot. Looks cold. Cheers Keith
Kerry Nobbs
{K:2800} 6/24/2007
Nicely shot. Too bad the others did not turn out. Kerry
Pawel Cz
{K:981} 6/24/2007
wery nice surroundings
Ann Van Breemen
{K:13399} 6/24/2007
Looks like a lovely place Brigitte. That rock must be pretty big.:)
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 6/24/2007
nice nature shot