Andre Denis
{K:66407} 9/6/2008
Thanks Jon, An old lens, with a new camera. I got lucky with the light and the situation. This is one of my personal favourites, for many reasons. :) Where does the time go? Andre
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 8/14/2008
Wonderful lighting. Congratulations to your youngest. The days do pass don't they?
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 8/5/2008
Thanks Fadel, It was a great day all round! The rain was only for a little while. I think I got lucky with the umbrella. They make great props and everything matches nicely too. :) Andre
Fadel J
{K:13974} 8/4/2008
Congratulations for your son's graduation Andre! a nice shot, i think the umbrella added interest to it.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/19/2008
Thanks very much Pam, I don't frame many, but I just put this one in a frame today. It printed out nicely :) Andre
. B
{K:1815} 7/18/2008
What a perfect tribute to your son an your legacy Andre. Very nicely done an a handsome man:)
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/15/2008
Hi Nick, Yes, I think if I had to choose one lens and only one, it would have to be a 50mm. He is enjoying his new Macbook. Serious work only for that unit. He used it for a presentation last weekend in Ohio. PS. You know you are getting old when your youngest son emails you from an airport, when he has a few minutes to wait for boarding. Andre
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/10/2008
Hi Andre!
So it's essentially the same as what I am doing manually on the T90 when I take several spot meterings and use some given spot, say, twice for weighting that region also twice. From what I read it seems to me that Nikon has always been the more "inventing" company, that introduces sophisticated methods, though unfortunately not always being as successful in marketing them too. Even the multi-spot (again multi ;-)) method of the T90 seems to have been inspired also by the matrix-method, which was already available on the Nikon FA back in 1983. (Known as multi-zone metering at those times - another "multi"!)
A good lens is and remains a good lens, Andre! It is a necessary though perhaps not sufficient condition for a good image. If the optics are alread bad, the image can't be good. If the optics are good the image can be good too. (It doesn't have to, it only can be good.) And 50mm is where it all starts, I guess, for "normal" formats. I must get out my 50mm again. Such a long time that I dodn't use it.
Surely I am glad that you and your wife got that Macbook for your son! Wise choise and he will be using it for a loooooong time, focusing on his subject rather than on some adventurous configurations and the like. My small iBook has already far more than amortized in less than 3 months. It's one of those nice things that work and work and never play the diva. I can't imagine what I would do without it.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/9/2008
Hi Nick, Yes, that is how the metering system works. I'm not sure how many different areas are taken into account, but Multi is a good word to use. :) I feel the same way about good images. Minimal tinkering after the image has been taken, usually means a pretty good shot. I think one reason why I was successful in that respect with this one is that I was using my old faithful 50mm lens. No surprises with the composition after using it since 1970. :) Thanks again for all the well wishes too Nick! ps You will be glad to know that my wife and I got him a Macbook for a graduation present. Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/9/2008
Hi Toni, Thank you for your very thoughtful comment on this one. What can I say except that I'm glad you can see all that in the image. Sometimes when we take a shot, we just feel that it is absolutely "right". That's the way I felt about this one. Your critique confirms it for me. Thanks again. Andre
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/6/2008
Hi Andre and thanks a lot for the very interesting info about the capture! It really seems to me that the matrix metering is somewhat similar to the multi-spot metering on my T90 but of course in a much more sophisticated way. In its main methodology it is to take into account many different areas of the image reasonably weighted instead of only averaging blindly over the whole area of the image. For me the most advanced way to find the best possible EV. For scenes including extreme light differences I can't imagine any better method.
I can really see why you are proud of this one, since I see it exactly the same way. Best images are for me those that demand the less afterwards enhancing, be it cropping or anything else. Such images are simply perfect to me too. Much better than any image that looks "spectacular" after much alteration.
As about your son and his choise to go for linguistics, my best wishes for him! It shows also that one shouldn't be disappointed when "the teacher" reports "problems" of any kind. Dedication and enthusiasm is the most important thing and your son proved exactly that. One of my best friends does his thesis in Linguistics at the University of Newcastle, UK. There were also so many "problems" but with the necessary enthusiasm they are now all out of the way. So, who knows? As the cooperation of all the academic institutions is very strong, perhaps our two scientists work together some day. And as modern linguistics have to do so much with mathematics... heheeee! ;-)
And not to forget! Now I expect some good images of the Master's degree day of your son next year! All my best wishes for that!!
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 7/6/2008
I like the simple color scheme (unplanned as it was) between the lush green grass and the blacks in the shadows, tree trunk, umbrella and graduation robe. The umbrella is unexpected and makes the shot unique among this genre. His expression exudes a confidence gained from accomplishment -- the adult is showing there. He is looking at his proud father -- there is a connection between the two of you in this which would evoke a lot of emotion. "I know I did you proud, Dad, and I'm proud of myself." Congratulations to you both. To Cathy: I believe in "messages" like this one. It warms my heart to learn that your son has reached out to you via Andre. As long as I have known him here at Usefilm, he has shown himself to have a very special spirit. Antonia
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 7/4/2008
Andre, you are correct, it was a very positive experience, thank you. The accident occurred Sept 11 2001, I was watching the planes hit the towers when the police arrived. Since then I have had many, many messages from my son Nic, quite often through strangers. It was difficult at first, but because the messages are so constant, I feel he is just out of sight but not out of heart. Nic gave his life to save 3 others, how proud could a mum be? I appreciate the time you have taken with your kind reply. CC
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/4/2008
Yes, indeed Andrzej. They do a fine job making the graduation memorable for the students and parents of the students. The rain was only short, but served me well for a few images with a classic prop. :) Andre
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 7/4/2008
Andre, bad that it was raining but it's still great memorable and colorful day for the student and all close family and friends - a step completed forward that will always be remembered well. Cheers, NJ
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/3/2008
Hello Cathy, I'm not quite sure how to respond to your comment. Words fail in situations like this. I am sincerely sorry for your loss. It sounds awkward for me to say this, but the feeling I get from your comment is that this post touched you in a positive way. If that is at all possible. I would like to believe that anyway. Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/3/2008
Hi Nick,
I have mostly been using the setting for matrix metering. This setting takes advantages of many different sensors over the entire lens area (image) There is no crop on this image at all. One of the reasons I am proud of it. :) So, you can see how well this setting works on this image.
We let him make his own decision which field to follow. Surprisingly for us he chose Linguistics. I say surprising because in his early years at school, one of his teachers thought he might have trouble with his speech. Well, needless to say, that turned out quite well. He will be going on to take his Master's degree next year at University of Toronto. Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/3/2008
Thanks very much for the comment on this one Alicia. And thanks for the congratulations! Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/3/2008
Thanks Bill, I've heard that one a few times before :)
Yeah, I'm very pleased with this shot. As you say the subtle shadows are nice and the half-smile "look" is priceless. I also like the look of the background. Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/3/2008
Hi Jacques, The rain and the very long day had a lot to do with the expression on his face. But, deep down he was proud of himself and very happy :) Andre
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/3/2008
Pues magnífica imagen, especial e día para tu hijo,... un retrato con luz estupenda! Felicitaciones, a tí por la foto y a tu hijo por su graduación!!!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/1/2008
Hi Andre!
Yes, and I guess that's why more care is better when it comes to images on which we are attached out of the usual and also very human reasons. I am very glad to see that this *is* possible, as you show us with this one. Personal attachment *and* image quality, the latter being the "language" that makes the story understandable behind the image. It is such a special moment and so it really deserves a special treatment.
So the young academic really jumps with fun and furry into that! Great! I am always happy when I hear about young people that really mean what they do! May I ask, if you don't mind, what direction he follows? Hopefully mathematics? ;-) No, I am just kidding here! I can only wish each and every young person to just be given all opportinities for following whatever he/she wants. Any education bound to a purpose other than the own thirst for it is really not good.
About the shadow/face. What metering did you use? Form what I see on the image I can imagine that I would choose several combined spot meterings - most of them on the face for a stronger weighting of light consitions on that area. But what was your way to meter that?
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 7/1/2008
This has really touched me. This young lad looks about the age of my son the day his friends all got together to plan his eulogy. They sang this song at his funeral, it was his favourite. He was 19. This afternoon I was quietly asking my son for a gentle reminder that he's OK. That usually results in me hearing this song on the radio. Tonight you have obliged and inadvertantly delivered a message to a grateful mum. Thankyou. CC
bill smith
{K:5416} 7/1/2008
Good looking Kid Andre,(must take after his Mother) :-) Really is a nice shot. the shadows are very suttle and add a lot of depth to the image. He does seem to have a look saying "come on Dad,enough is enough" Nice work!!! Bill
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 6/30/2008
rainy day, dreams away... great capture, even if he doesn't look so happy, probably the rain :) take care my friend.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 6/30/2008
Hi Nick, Thanks for the nice comment on this very personal image. Sometimes we are clouded by the fact that there is a personal attachment to an image, and fail to realize that the image may not be so good. In this case, I was extremely pleased with the technical look of the image, as well as the mood created. I'm pleased you mention the expression on his face. I believe that "subtle smile" is the strength of the image. That is what will still be there years from now. Hard to explain, but you picked up on it. There is a self satisfaction there that projects from the image. I'm glad I didn't get too much shadow in the face area. That happens sometimes with umbrellas. Thanks for the congratulations. He is going on for his Master's degree next year, and continues to work for his University Dept. over the summer. Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 6/30/2008
Thanks Dave, I just had to put at least one of him up from that day. Andre
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/30/2008
It does have so much of that attitude of something between a documentary and a remembrance of what has been, Andre! Alone for that it makes up a very good one, but if you ask me to tell you why it looks this way, then I must admit that I don't really know. Perhaps its "simple" view, or its slightly darker toning, or the neutral expression with a subtle smile of your son.. what can I say? I don't know.
Technically I fiond it very impressive that the hard tones of the skin and the plasticicty of the face remained intact even at the darker regions under the umbrella.
As a closing comment I would paraphrase the strophe before the last:
For what it was worth, it still is worth all the while.
Cheers, my best wishes for anything your son wants to follow now, and my congratulations to you, Andre! Not only for the photo.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 6/30/2008
A good, and interesting, portrait of the graduate, Andre! Again, my congratulations! Dave.