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End of the road...
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Image Title:  End of the road...
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 By: Brigitte R.  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Brigitte R.  Brigitte R. {Karma:25989}
Project #3 The Intimate Portrait Camera Model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
Categories Pets
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Pets
Lens Canon EFS 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Uploaded 7/17/2008 Film / Memory Type SanDisk Ultra II 2.0gb CompactFlash Type I Memory Card
    ISO / Film Speed 400
Views 525 Shutter 1/100
Favorites Aperture f/13
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City -  Clearlake Oaks (Clear Lake)
Country - United States   United States
About Jake didn't want to go, he looked so good and seemed like he'd go on forever. He was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma (a very aggressive form of cancer) and due to the late stage of the disease he had to be put down (no cure was possible) - I could not let him suffer. It took me over a month to post this as it was one of the most difficult things I have had to endure. Jake literally was everything I could have expected in a dog-companion. So sweet, so gentle, so wise, so pretty and just the right sense of humor. He knew he was loved.

Until we meet again...

Will always love and miss you my Little Man.

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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Brigitte R. Brigitte R.   {K:25989} 12/2/2011
Hi Darryl, thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your sentiments and at the same time offer you my condolences for the loss of your special friends. Time has a way of mending things... The deep sense of loss I felt in the days after Jake's passing, have now been replaced with peace and a very strong sense, daily, that he is still here with me... almost as if I could reach out and touch him... his being still seems so much like he never left, although I don't see him physically... strange I know... but I am happy now and I know he is too. :-)


Darryl  Barclay Darryl  Barclay   {K:6818} 12/2/2011
I'm just seeing this photo today but I know the emotions you feel when you loose something so special. At one point we had 3 dogs, 2 cats, and a parrot in the house at the same time. Each had their personality but were very special. They are all gone now. Even though it has been a while since your loss, please know I understand your loss. Darryl


Brigitte R. Brigitte R.   {K:25989} 10/8/2008
Thank you so much for your kind words, Bernardo. Yes, animals are such loving companions and are deeply missed when they have to leave us. He knew he was loved, no doubt. I just wish he didn't have such a short life, even though it was considered long for this type of dog. I'm sorry for your loss too but glad that your companions were close to you... they do make the best and most loyal friends. Best wishes, Brigitte


Bernardo González Bernardo González   {K:4655} 10/8/2008
Amazing tribute dear Brigitte...bring me tears to my eyes...I guess cause When I see photos of dogs of my life that now are not here...comes the same feelings. I'm sure Jake had a happy and beloved life....

Excellent photo-about. Best to you.


Darren Arena Darren Arena   {K:2999} 8/14/2008
Jake had a fantastic life and it shows Brigitte! It makes my heart swell to see animals loved so much and cared for! Many of us can empathize with you my friend!! Heartwarming photo, and thanks for posting it!! -Darren-


Dani Kimel Dani Kimel   {K:801} 8/11/2008
I can sympathise Brigitte as a very similar thing happened with my Jake (a scruffy cross-bred twelve year old puppy).

This is a beautiful picture, he seems so happy and its easy to see what a lovely dog he was.



rino sirio   {K:8012} 8/1/2008
ottima ripresa con bel contesto e ottimi colori..ciao rino


Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 7/28/2008
Therefore its memory is preserved. Regards Gerhard


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 7/27/2008
A sad story and touching tribute. This is such a fitting image, with the end of the track echoing the title you have chosen.



Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 7/27/2008
I can only say just one more thing, this expression is unforgettable !!! You made me cry with your story. I am so proud of you..hug,riny


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 7/25/2008
Can understand how you feel when you lost him Brigitte. Always hard to say goodbye, but as you said, sure you'll see him somewhere someday.

Take care and keep on going on Brigitte.


Gena Young   {K:35} 7/21/2008
Oh Brigitte,I feel so bad for you. I too had a dog (my best friend) who I lost. Brutus was my everything. This photo of Jake is wonderful. well done.


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 7/20/2008
I'm so sorry,my dear Brigitte,so sorry.
Agree with all of amazing comment above.
Big and warm hugs,
ps: I'm the man who cured myself from cancer,very fast and very easy,never ever tell no cure was possible.
Ask Shirley Cross,she knows the story.


. B . B   {K:1815} 7/20/2008
Aw Brigitte I know how hard this must have been. It's a fine, loving tribute to Jake. Thanks for sharing.


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 7/19/2008
Brigitte,i just left a comment for David,and I am very agree with you about the comment you left for him...
this shot of yours looks quite documentary and your words narrates it nicely and gently...

Good vision and sensation due to a change...



Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/18/2008
Great picture of Jake and a touching tribute to him as well. You tender spirit really comes through your positive attitude and respect of others. I know that the loss is hard but the peace to know he no longer suffers is consolation in itself. I to have lost some dear animal buddies and it never got easy.
Be well, Stan


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 7/18/2008
Dear Brigette ... I am so sorry for your loss - I am a dog and animal lover as well and I know exactly how you feel - You never forget them - they are our family - beautiful dedication and image of a beautiful happy Jake :))

Brigetter we have much in common as I went to school in Sact. Ca. and was the first graduating class of Rio American HS now You know I am OLD -lol !!!!
I grew up there actually - and still have family in Fair Oaks , Arden Park, Roseville,all over central and northern Ca.
PLUS if you read my portfolio it is so simular to yours it's spooky :))
Your Friend,


Allen Aisenstein Allen Aisenstein   {K:5652} 7/17/2008
Jake was really beautiful. So sorry for your loss.


Milos Rancic Milos Rancic   {K:2919} 7/17/2008
beutiful picture,


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 7/17/2008
I have a dog too my dear Brigitte and I do understand you so very well.Your sad story was bringing tears into my eyes...But you did the right thing...I know it isn't easy but as you said you couldn't let him suffer.Remember on all your beautiful days together and that it was the best solution.It will take time and that is normal...I agree with Tony that you were a fantastic owner to him and that he had a great life!
It is a fantastic capture of Jake!!!
Big warm hugs to you,


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 7/17/2008
you've done the best thing you could.....
your story made me cry,cause I can imagine how you you feel now...I'm with you
and this is really excellent photography ,and perfect for this sad story...

big hug my dear


Tony Quilty   {K:591} 7/17/2008
Excellent photo Brigitte. Very sad story about Jake. You did what was best for him, it wasn't easy so it took great courage from you. He couldn't have had a better owner and I bet he had a great life.




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