Roger Williams
{K:86139} 11/25/2005
Hi, John. The frame is actually a part of the image, not something added later. You are right, it was behind glass... actually on the front of a dispensing machine selling canned coffee. Don't see too many of those outside Japan, so I am told. They are very big here. I'm often told I need to crop my images to focus on what is really of interest. I think you are the very first to tell me I ought to have included a bit more!
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 11/24/2005
Having come to look, I'm not quite sure what to say about this one. But my mission this evening is to visit a few images and leave a comment on each which is not just "great shot".
Two things strike me here: (1) did you frame this (! sorry, couldn't resist...) (2) it looks as though it is behind glass: is it?
Having read your "about", it is a fascinating statement about Japanese advertising, but perhaps needs to have been shot from a slightly greater distance so that the image itself could tell the whole story.
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 3/9/2004
I really enjoy to view your works, I can see a lot of Japanese things or people even the culture from them ~ When I see (?IÆéG?) Ayumi Hamasaki, I will think of Panasonic ~
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 12/25/2003
Odd advertising indeed,but then advertising is conceived to focus the attention of the viewers on the uniqueness of their products.... I love this photo,Roger! Antonella
Gerhard Hoogterp
{K:4863} 12/23/2003
Definitly a cute advertisement. I've read a book about a guy who did a foottrip from the two outer points of Japan. Living there for years and speaking fluently japese. His story left me with the idea of an intriging, but somewhat weird (read: different from the western world) country.. Guess this is just an other example..;)
Thanks for your comments om two of my photo's. As for the dof you're partly right, dof on a digital camera seems to work different from a analog camera. But a little unsharpness doesn't always disturb me either. Resizing doesn't help either although a little (0.2/0.3) unsharpen usualy solves that problem.
Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 12/23/2003
Really strange! Off the wall?? No need to add grafitti! We'll throw it in, gratis.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 12/22/2003
heheee... yes i have found that there is this wonderful little twist in advertising across the pond from me.:) in some ways i like it..but in some ways...and this is strange considering for the most part i am pretty liberal. i don;t. i know this may seem a bit off topic...maybe not) but i find there to be too much nudity in some areas.. i have heard that us americans are a bit too uptight about such things. i don't see it as that, women here have really fought hard to try and earn their way out of some of these stereotypes. not all of them mind you, but enough to make somewhat of a difference. see what i mean by off topic? don;t know why but your photo kinda triggered something in my head,,i like that !!
:) nice capture of my mind roger and happy holidays to you.
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 12/22/2003
That's quite an amusing advertisement! But I do not believe the model needs to fear having a moustache drawn on her face - for even with these strange additions, her beauty cannot be hidden or denied.