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Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
12/20/2006 4:59:26 PM


Thanks for your feedback, especially regarding color temp. I've noticed sometimes I get feedback on color / tones / contrast. Although color and contrast rendition appears correct on my monitor - obviously it is not calibrated correctly. (Good thing Christmas is around the corner, maybe santa will be kind enough to bring me a Spyder or Eye-One :-) )
        Photo By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
12/8/2006 8:47:43 PM

Sheila, what an amazing capture. i've browsed through your portfolio and can only aspire to one day create images as successful as yours. The light, tonal qualities, and the eyes. how do you do it?


        Photo By: Sheila Carson  (K:5924)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
7/20/2006 2:20:40 PM

Ed, thanks. I'm not the most diligent about posting new images to the site (unfortunately I don't have as much as I'd like to devote to photogrpahy). I doubt they're the same cheetahs - mine is mother and son, and i believe yours are siblings. I have tons of images from Safari, as I'm sure you can imagine. I'll try to post some more in the near future.
        Photo By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
7/19/2006 2:00:11 PM

Ed, I love this image and your safari portfolio. It brings back such fond memories for me. Last year I too had the pleasure of visiting Kenya for several weeks. Your images bring me right back to this fine place. Thank you for sharing.
        Photo By: Edward Ghoti  (K:5514) Donor

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
8/3/2005 12:37:51 PM


Excellent composition. I really like the angle of the image. I look forward to seeing the others you post.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
7/31/2005 12:53:47 PM

Dina, I just want to thank you for all your comments and taking the time to go through my images. I recenty saw your portfolio, and love your work. I can only aspire to produce top notch images like you do.

Thanks again. It means alot to me.
        Photo By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
7/29/2005 12:28:59 PM


What an amazing image. It takes me to another place. I can sense the serenity and peacefulness. well captured.
        Photo By: Hanggan Situmorang  (K:24833)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
7/14/2005 6:42:15 PM


I could look at this image all day long. The composition and tones are magnificent, as is the alternative processing (which I'd love to know how you accomplished). This is just an amazing work of art. thank you for sharing.
        Photo By: Silvia Bukovac Gasevic  (K:74)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
4/22/2005 1:56:46 PM


Ecellent capture. How did you manage to create the IR effect? It's simply incredible. Does the D70 have an IR setting?

I'm working with a D100, and have yet to be able to create an IR effect. So, I usually end up breaking out the film and switching cameras. But with results like yours.....the possibilities are endless.
        Photo By: D. Setiadi  (K:197)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
12/4/2004 6:25:02 PM

Dale Ann,

Thank you very much for your feedback. The tips being cut off is a result of cropping to 4:3 aspect ratio. If you'd like to see the original, which has a bit more open space and the wreath tips except a timy bit on the left hand side, I'd be happy to share it with you. I've attached it here.
        Photo By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
10/26/2004 7:27:08 PM


I really love this image (however, I have little to no technical knowledge) . The light and toning are fantastic. The texture and wear of the ball enhances the image. I'm glad you've been able to bring your love of the game into your work.

        Photo By: Adam Powell  (K:160)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
9/13/2004 4:21:26 PM


Thank you for the comments on my self portrait. I too find the watch distracting, and when I originally posted it, I included "p.s. I find the watch distracting", but then decided to remove the comment as I wanted to leave people to draw their own conclusions rather than leading them there. The odd thing is I thought about taking but left it on because I have a deep tan line under the watch.

Thank you again. Just wanted to let you know I agree.
        Photo By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)

Critique By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)  
4/26/2003 3:26:10 AM

Martin, Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. I really appreciate the assistance. To your point of focus, the original neg & print seem to be in acceptable focus. Perhaps I messed something up when scanning the first time (???) or scanned the print on the flatbed rather than scanning the neg. I've attached another - for you to take a look at if you choose.
        Photo By: Scott Christensen  (K:165)


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