Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/16/2003 8:39:21 PM
Pretty cool picture. Very cartoon like. I love it!
Photo By: Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/16/2003 7:29:59 PM
more imperfections...The green circles that aren't on the bottle are the imperfections. 2 of which are light streaks created by the cheap light bulbs and one is a dark spot on the left which might actually be the corner of the plexiglass which is a very unproffessional mistake... The 2 green circles on the bottle are just to point out a little smiley face and a frowney face I noticed while examining this picture.
Photo By: Thomas Birish
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/16/2003 7:11:16 PM
cool picture man!!!
Photo By: Antero Araujo
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/16/2003 7:06:10 PM
Such an awesome photo. I love stuff like this. Unfortunately, I haven't captured anything of this type yet.
Photo By: Eva Varon
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/16/2003 6:54:31 PM
Hey, Great Picture man. I noticed that you have sort of a thing for reptiles/amphibians going in your portfolio. I dig that. I love your work. I think I might start shooting frogs and snakes and lizards and stuff. I love animals...especially reptiles/amphibians. I know of a great frog pond that I'm gonna try to capture some frogs at in the spring. Hundreds of frogs -Literally- completely untouched by man. Your work is inspiring. Hey man, another thing...Keep up the good parenting. That stuff is really important.
Photo By: jeff lynch
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/16/2003 4:04:00 PM
In responce to Herman, I agree. The bedsheet is still a little too noticeable. I actually hadn't been paying attention to what it looked like under the plexiglass, I was more concerned with the background portion of it. One thing that might have helped would have been an iron. The bedsheet is a bit wrinkled and it was hard to work with like that, plus I didn't pull it tight enough to remove more of the wrinkle. That's still one thing I'm learning...to look at ALL of the details. The more I look at my pictures, the more I notice how imperfect they are, but that helps me improve them. Thanks a lot for pointing out the bedsheet in the lower part of the picture. I failed to notice that before. Another imperfection is that I don't think the color skeem works well with Jack Daniels. It would be a bit more suiting to a coconut rum or something, but JD was on the menu for the evening so I worked with what I had.
Photo By: Thomas Birish
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/16/2003 3:02:54 PM
Very Mondrian like...I dig it.
Photo By: Hermen Pen
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/14/2003 11:16:18 PM
Thanks for the compliments. This picture was taken using the same setup as the other picture I have on Usefilm.com Green4. You can definately tell the difference in quality between the two different cameras. This image has color that is much more true to life. I can't wait until I can afford a decent Digital SLR!!!
Photo By: Thomas Birish
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/13/2003 10:44:45 PM
Are you a vegitarian???...And Hungry???or Do you just like green stuff?
Photo By: Thomas Birish
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/13/2003 2:19:35 PM
I don't know if it's safe to eat. I forget what kind of plant it is. I baught it at Home Depot. Thanks for checking it out though.
Photo By: Thomas Birish
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/13/2003 12:28:04 AM
A nice photo I must say. I like the idea of it. It must not have been that long of an exposure since you can still see much of the detail in the fountains. Did you try longer exposures? I'm curious as to what they would look like. I imagine they would be a bit over exposed near the sources of light, and then blurry everywhere the water is, but who knows, it might look cool. Anyway, I'd say this is a job well done. This picture reminds me of stallagmites in a cave or a ring of fire...Hey, maybe that's a good title...RING OF FIRE WATER!!!
Photo By: Ragnhildur Ragnars
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/9/2003 7:10:27 PM
Did you use an editing program to get the eye green? You say you were just using a flashlight and a couple of colored lenses? Is that possible? If it is, can I do this sort of thing with my camera? How did you do it? I think it's amazing by the way. I love it.
Photo By: Haleh B
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/9/2003 7:03:10 PM
Very good Picture. Is this a self portrait? Whether it is or not...whatch out for necklace charms, and or clasps. That small detail being off center really stands out. Other than that, I think it is a beautiful picture.
Photo By: Olivia Viveros
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/8/2003 6:48:38 PM
Awesome job. I think this is the best staircase shot I've seen so far. Good work!
Photo By: Kenneth Kwan
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/8/2003 6:30:48 PM
great photo. Very creative, and well thought out.
Photo By: ricardo mejia
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/8/2003 5:28:09 PM
Very cool. I wonder how many times you must have tried before you got this shot right. It is amazing. Love the colors!!!
Photo By: Jur Igruh
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/8/2003 5:23:29 PM
Like it a lot. It bugs my eyes out because they try to focus and it feels like they almost can, but then any hope of detail slips away and I'm seeing a blur again. Was the image shot out of focus or made that way later on? Love the colors.
Photo By: lowell whipple girbes
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/8/2003 5:17:03 PM
good shot, Definately magazine material. I think the camera name suits the photographer and his brother well...
Photo By: Alex Garcia
Critique By:
Thomas Birish (K:348)
12/8/2003 5:11:29 PM
It's a good start. Keep shooting and getting in on the action...Future bike magazine shooter guy. You did not specify any of the details like aperture or shutter speed. Are you shooting on automatic all the time? If you are, you might want to consider looking at the exposure recomended by your camera, and then bracketing it manually so you get at least one expusure that is better than the rest. I know this is hard to do when it is sports pictures you are shooting. You don't have time to sit there and manually adjust your camera too much...You gotta be quick. Auto is much easier in a situation like this, but if this guy is practicing his trick over and over again, you might want to try bracketing. Good shot though, I like how the subject is not dead center, It's more dynamic with the rider a little further up the hill in the pic.
Photo By: Richard Gauthier