Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
8/8/2014 4:43:19 PM
HI Venessa, how are you? I don't know about the king, many of my ex students are doing some amazing work and I had to stop shooting for 2 years to take care of my mom, so I have catching up to do :))
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
8/8/2014 4:40:03 PM
Thanks Gary, you have some nice bird captures in your portfolio, its just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, you definitely have the ability...
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
8/8/2014 4:38:14 PM
Thanks Greg !!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
8/4/2014 8:42:44 PM
Hi Lee and Andre.. This is a Anna's , Im in the SF Bay area we typically get Allen's, Rufous, Anna's, Costa's, and the Ruby-Throated. we recently had a Calliope here which was a bit out of his summer breeding range, but did attract many photographers and I never got a really clean shot due to the elbow to elbow shooting .... Thanks for the comment !!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
8/2/2014 11:38:30 AM
Thanks Andre!! The problem with this image is I had a watermark at the bottom and I left some discoloration removing it... too much photo theft going on ....
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/23/2014 11:15:26 AM
Great Capture!!! This is not Sandpiper, but a Black Necked Stilt :)))
Photo By: Kelly Duntley
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/12/2014 3:05:08 AM
Thank you Ayan, you have some very nice work yourself !!!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/12/2014 12:48:44 AM
Thanks Clay..
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/12/2014 12:47:16 AM
Hi Jill, How are you? Thanks for the nice comment!!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/11/2014 1:55:19 AM
Thanks Kelly , Thanks for the nice comment! I had a look at your portfolio , nice work all around! I wanted to say though, your latest shows you using a D30 , coming from a 20D are you sure you are not using a 30D as the D30 was one of the first Semi Pro DSLRs while the 30d Is the next step up from the 20d....
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/8/2014 12:56:49 AM
Hi Linda how are you? Long time now see LOL JK..
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/8/2014 12:55:23 AM
Thanks for the comments!! Hi Gayle and Robbie how have you been , long time no SEE LOL..
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/8/2014 12:53:33 AM
Thanks for the nice comments !!!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/8/2014 12:52:24 AM
Hi Andre!!! How are you? Its been awhile, I see you are taking some really amazing photos! Its really good to see your still out doing your thing,, All my best my friend...
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
7/4/2014 5:58:30 PM
Hi Greg! Nice Shot.. This is a Black Crowned Night Heron...
Photo By: Gregory McLemore
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
6/18/2014 6:32:48 PM
Awww.... Thanks Linda !!!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
6/14/2014 10:13:17 PM
Excellent !!!!
Photo By: Vladimir Meshkov
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
6/14/2014 10:12:02 PM
Thanks Jose!
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
6/13/2014 3:16:21 AM
Thanks Linda, Funny seeing you here LOL... Ellis !!!! JK
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
12/8/2013 4:40:55 AM
Nice Capture,, Nice control over the moody weather..
Photo By: Wolf Zorrito
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
12/8/2013 4:37:49 AM
Thank for the comments.. This is what happen when you get to close lol
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
12/8/2013 4:36:34 AM
beautiful, love the colors and detail..
Photo By: Dan Wilson
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
12/6/2013 4:46:18 PM
Thanks Robbie.... That means allot to me :))
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
11/26/2013 9:24:36 PM
My pleasure Phil..
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
11/26/2013 6:36:17 PM
Is your truck really under there? Wow...
Photo By: Steve Kaufman
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
4/29/2010 7:41:19 PM
Hi Greg, Wonderful shot, I like the refection and subtile waves in the water, This is a widgeon, and could be a Eurassion, Which are semi-rare on this side of the country.. Marcus
Photo By: Gregory McLemore
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
4/29/2010 7:36:24 PM
Hi Rich This Is a wonderful shot of little guy I never new existed! What nice colors.. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to stop by my site and Sign my GB! After 3 years I am nearing 1 Million visitors and 42 Signatures ? you are now amoung an elite group LOL.. Bye the way you are more like my equal then 1/2 of anything I do with a camera, It was a real pleasure viewing all your new work.. Marcus
Photo By: Rick Koth
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
4/28/2010 10:31:37 PM
Hi Rashed, Grain or Noise @ iso 400 usually shows up in shadowed areas or shooting your subject dark, Dont be afraid to shoot to the right, or say 1/3rd over exposed in good light, and even more in bad light. You will notice brighter subjects have very little noise at 400ISO, Also when you have good lighting (sunshine) always bump the iso down to 200 where noise in non existant as 400 Is just a all around startig point for average weather or light. Also you should have a good grain removal program for noisey areas, like Neat Image or grain surgury.. Good Luck and let me know how it goes... Marcus.
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
1/13/2010 11:02:46 PM
Wow beautiful shot Andre! Just perfect in every aspect! I dont see how this did not win! Hope all Is well with you... All my best, Marcus
Photo By: Andre Denis
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
1/13/2010 10:59:51 PM
This happens to me every landing LOL.. Great shot Larry It does look real...
Photo By: Larry Fosse