Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 11/18/2014
Gorgeous capture Marcus, love that DOF, details, and the background, I saw one of these in my backyard today or a hawk, at least, and tried to get a shot of it but was on the phone and it didn't turn out through the screens.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/9/2014
i miss this one in yesterday's comment...but now i see the SC very well deserved!!! is a very poerful image !!! all the best my friend... ciao roby
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 8/8/2014
HI Venessa, how are you? I don't know about the king, many of my ex students are doing some amazing work and I had to stop shooting for 2 years to take care of my mom, so I have catching up to do :))
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 8/8/2014
Thanks Gary, you have some nice bird captures in your portfolio, its just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, you definitely have the ability...
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 8/8/2014
Thanks Greg !!
Gary Olson
{K:727} 8/8/2014
beautiful, I would love to get a shot of a red tail but so far no luck. I am jealous, congrats:)
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 8/8/2014
Hi Marcus your still king of the bird pictures,wonderful clarity .. nessa
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 8/8/2014
Very nice!Regards
Ayan Mukherjee
{K:7990} 8/8/2014
Great capture Marcus. Congratulations for sc. Regards
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 8/8/2014
Great photograph And Congratulations Nigel
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 8/8/2014
Good colors and fine bokeh.
sreeradha seth
{K:1515} 8/7/2014
wonderful capture Marcus and its humorous too!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 8/7/2014
Cool capture Marcus