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Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:57:29 PM

Desde aqui siento el calor torrido de ese momento del dia. Muy buena... interesante tambien el hecho de que la mujer sale sola... es raro ver fotos de India y Nepal en la que aparezcan individuos rodeados de tanto espacio vacio, estan los pobres que no caben!
        Photo By: Oui Lee  (K:3238)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:42:20 PM

ahahaha... there we go... this one is certainly much more professional looking that the pic I just posted. What a coincidence we chose the same subject .
        Photo By: Pietro Clarizia  (K:8241)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:41:12 PM

With a view like this I bet the church is constantly filled to the brim!
Excellent composition... Sunday mass doesn't get any better.
        Photo By: martijn wams  (K:6351)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 9:35:00 AM

Truly excellent. You've brought life to that figurine!... and made it look giant in the process.
        Photo By: Cihan Unalan  (K:114)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 9:30:25 AM

Agree on the overexposed bit but it really does not detract much from a very nice and pleaseant image.
Well done.
        Photo By: Cihan Unalan  (K:114)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 9:26:56 AM

Excellent work Dano.. I have passed in front of that spot many many times, neve saw the old sofa.
Please drop me an email, would like to ask you something regarding this picture. Regards. Ivan
        Photo By: eche    (K:-35)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 9:25:35 AM

that is very impressive...
You are his son, no doubt about that!
        Photo By: Cihan Unalan  (K:114)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 7:58:36 AM

This is a man that has been battered by life. Hard!
Congratulations for an excellent portrait.
        Photo By: candan süsoy  (K:206)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:45:16 AM

Great work Ugur... brilliant way to combine those pics!
        Photo By: Ugur Bektas  (K:239)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:42:48 AM

Great picture... excellent catch of the very stoic attitude of the poor sheep.
        Photo By: Sinan Goksel  (K:1010)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:40:45 AM

Nice work, very expressive. In my opinion you should have desaturated the dog but just slightly, keeping some of its colour... would have made the pic more effective and natural looking.
But great.. very sweet.
        Photo By: selami Torun  (K:9397)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:17:31 AM

That is not a dog, that is a strecht limousine with fur!
        Photo By: Michele Chiavassa  (K:36)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:12:32 AM

Precioso perrillo... excelente detalle y la lengua fuera es de lo mas gracioso.
Enhorabuena por la camara.. yo estoy intentando decidir si me paso a un nivel superior o si me compro una en film medium format. Ya veremos. Ciao.
        Photo By: Alejandro Mendez  (K:2066)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 6:09:38 AM

Esta foto me trae recuerdos de Chichiribiche y, porque no.. de esas delicias que preparan en la playa... como las llaman? Rompecolchon!
        Photo By: Alejandro Mendez  (K:2066)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/15/2006 5:59:58 AM

I dont understand... I have commented your images before but I dont show up on your dedication.
You will get a call from my lawyers.
        Photo By: 神 風  (K:10665) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/14/2006 6:27:32 AM

Ya hace unos meses subi una foto titulada: Sindrome de Stendhal... creo que esa difusion mental a la que te refieres hace alusion a lo mismo.
Parece que lo de la bandera se soluciono... menos mal.
        Photo By: Ruyman Rodriguez  (K:345)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/14/2006 6:23:37 AM

Me gusta... tiene un algo oriental... no se, sera por los palillos....
        Photo By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/12/2006 5:43:23 PM

Fantastico el modo en que la pequena imita el modo de sentar del padre...
Muy buena... me encanta tu sentido budista de la dosificacion.. nos vas proporcionando entregas de tu viaje a Nepal con cuentagotas!
        Photo By: Oui Lee  (K:3238)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/12/2006 5:40:56 PM

No... just our garage sale.. we've been getting a lot of useless stuff at home Mike..
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/12/2006 12:14:38 PM

Great image... interesting feeling of retroamericana...
Would be ideal if the guy and the orange ball had been placed exactly at the centre of the image for added impact but great nevertheless..
        Photo By: danilo parra  (K:549)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/12/2006 12:01:24 PM

Al menos tus invitados ya no se encontraran ratones en el cuarto de bano.. :-)
Precioso tu Dorian... desde luego tiene mucha chispa .. debe ser suavisimo..
Me pregunto como va a conseguir Kike lo de las sensaciones y que sensaciones son esas.. a lo mejor le va a presentar al Pirri...
        Photo By: Oui Lee  (K:3238)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/12/2006 10:39:02 AM

Excelente idea... has conseguido que sean los pies quienes transmitan todo en esta foto.
Por cierto, ambos pies anclados en el suelo al mismo tiempo... la suerte te acompana!
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/12/2006 10:25:14 AM

You should send this picture to japanese director Nagisha Oshima.. maybe you could appear in the follow up to Empire of the Senses..
        Photo By: danilo parra  (K:549)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/7/2006 3:31:10 AM

Tan solo esta foto justifica un viaje como ese... (incluyo aqui los problemas de estomago que es posible que todavia arrastres...) :-)
Fotón!!!! Timidilla la chiquilla con esa media sonrisa. Preciosa.
Te comento la otra luego, se me escapa el avión...
        Photo By: Oui Lee  (K:3238)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/7/2006 3:27:06 AM

Estais mal informados respecto a Turquia. Aquí bebe todo dios... y el que no bebe se pone hasta el **** de lo que haga falta.
Para que luego la monten con caricaturas.. hipocritas.
        Photo By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/7/2006 3:24:56 AM

Son mejores guili... son mejores.
La verdad es que ninguna de ella se llevaria bien con tu gato, no obstante venga... presentanoslo!
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/4/2006 5:48:44 PM

Ah.. by the way... those clothes lines, although maybe not aestetically pleasing play a role on this picture.. They contribute to create an atmosphere, to place the viewer in the right context, a place where normally people hang their clothes to dry. Also the pins used are identical to the ones millions of people use in their homes. In a way it helps the viewer identify with the image.
Leave them there...
        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/4/2006 5:44:11 PM

Not offended Christopher, but believe me, my eyes are far from biased.
Chuks explanation of the picture makes me, of course, see the image on a very different, and positive light. A father thinking of his daughter back home, nothing wrong with that, very sweet.
However, without those words, and in the war context this is an image of a soldier in full combat armour playing with a baby's dress.
Many people would feel the same way I did.
I am sure Chuck understand my point of view.

        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/4/2006 4:12:47 PM

You have a way to put yourself right in the middle of it all....
        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/4/2006 4:12:13 PM

Bufff... well....
Chuck... the first thing that anybody will think when looking at this picture will be: where is the girl to whom the dress belonged???? and I tell you, not many happy scenarios come to mind...
I believe this pic is likely to produce a negative response in the viewer (and believe me, I am just giving you my honest point of view, no offense intented).
        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

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