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Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
1/8/2007 5:43:57 AM

You are entirely right. It is rare to see an older person radiating such a spark and zest for life.
Congratulations, may you have great times together.
        Photo By: Ceren Aksan  (K:77)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
12/4/2006 4:46:01 AM

Flipante como consigues el equilibrio en tus imagenes Kike... es de verdad alucinante.

Ten cuidado. Un dia aciago HCB colgo su Leica y se dedico a hacer garabatos... que no te pase lo mismo.

Un abrazo

        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
12/4/2006 4:37:33 AM

Espectacular imagen Kike...

Lo de que las tunicas le dan gustirrinin a Guili me pone la piel de gallina.
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
12/4/2006 4:37:11 AM

Espectacular imagen Kike...

Lo de que las tunicas le dan gustirrinin a Guili me pone la piel de gallina.
        Photo By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
11/27/2006 1:13:28 PM

En efecto.. esa saturacion es de lo mas vanguardista... y Astor es sin duda todo un personaje.

Ruth, te aconsejo que te sientes con el y aproveches el privilegio para captar no solo perro sino momentos..
        Photo By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
11/23/2006 7:10:25 AM

Why sit on the cold wet floor when you have so much furniture available?
Great shot.. Belgrade Orman?
        Photo By: Rustu Arseven  (K:1450)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
10/12/2006 12:15:40 AM

Dear Doyle... I still remember the intensity of your comment.. many many thanks once again...

Let me point you in this direction you will enjoy this update
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
10/12/2006 12:14:05 AM

Rina... thanks for you support when it was needed... you will enjoy this
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
10/12/2006 12:13:24 AM

Jeroen, as much as it hurts me to see that some people can have your views I believe there is no point in holding grudges.

Let me show you something... everybody around here helped to make this happen:
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
10/12/2006 12:11:26 AM

Ahmed.. this is for you

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
10/12/2006 12:10:50 AM

Dear Derya... an update...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
10/12/2006 12:09:35 AM

Guili... esto te va a gustar...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/27/2006 10:40:22 AM

Gracias Ruth.. abre la presentacion.. si esta imagen te flipa lo que vas a ver alli te va dejar clavada a la silla.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2006 11:42:17 AM

Era de esperar Ruth, de todos modos el dia anterior volvimos a entrar a sacar unos cuantos.
A partir del viernes tenemos a tres televisiones europeas aqui dando cuenta de lo sucedido. Mira por donde me he visto metido en una guerra... con lo tranquilo que estaba yo en Brasil..
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/26/2006 9:50:21 AM

Llevo un par de minutos girando el cuello de un lado a otro...
        Photo By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/25/2006 7:53:59 PM

Gracias Ruth,

A ver si te gusta esto... html

el resultado final de lo que hacemos..
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/25/2006 6:04:21 PM

A los pocos meses el Tsunami se llevo la playa..
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/25/2006 4:41:03 PM

Dear Mehul,

Thank you for your note. Glad the image touched one more heart.
I am not as optimistic as you regarding an end to all this injustice.. well.. actually, you could be right.. if man continues treating not only animals but nature in general with so much disregard, he will be facing his own extintion. Looking at the way things are going wouldn't be surprised if it happened sooner or later.

Thank you very much my friend.

        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/25/2006 4:19:40 PM

Eso que tiene entre manos se llama un Crackberry...
        Photo By: Oui Lee  (K:3238)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/25/2006 4:02:36 PM

Si tio, muy fuerte...
Dale un vistazo a la presentacion que prepare y te haras una idea de lo que paso alli...

Esos perrillos fueron asesinados este fin de semana con objeto de eliminar evidencias para la investigacion que hemos lanzado... de todos modos no importa, esta todo bien claro. No voy a parar hasta que quiten a esa gentuza de enmedio.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2006 12:36:26 PM

It really pays up to wake up early in Brazil eh?

        Photo By: Marcelo Sestren  (K:177)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2006 12:33:42 PM

Marcelo... close but not yet... try again!

Spanish... ehehe.. many thanks for your note, yes.. Brazil... what an incredible place. Amazing combination of nature and people.. unreal really...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2006 6:14:38 AM

Las condiciones serian dificiles pero la expresion te salio bordada.. genial.
        Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/23/2006 6:05:41 AM

Most will focus their attention on the treatment you gave to this image...
I say the true proof of genius here is on the Font you used for the title at the base.
Caligula would have been proud of you.
        Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 7:06:57 PM

Veeeery nice... wonderfully elegant... it has it all.. the wind.. the ocean.. the goden gate... the pelican and the naked woman... oh! sorry.. wrong image..

Reminds me in a way to this image of mine:
        Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 7:01:22 PM

Well.. he-who-cannot-be-named decided to alter the content of my about... but anyway.. those are tamperings of the past. All is well now. Life is, again, beautiful.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 6:59:42 PM

of course it will depend on WHICH person... :-)

Actually, forgot to say something... today a couple of us sneaked into the shelter from hell and rescued another couple of critically starved dogs... and a cat!!!!!!

This is starting to look like one of the Animal Liberation Front operations... anyway...
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 6:51:39 PM

I have always been fascinated by that park, it has the beauty of a classic ruin in the middle of a sprawling metropolis.
I was there.. without a camera. Bummer!
Great use of the fish eye... and of the photographers, they lend you perspective and proportion.
        Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 5:29:19 PM

Doyle, I did not equate Darfur with animal wellfare, what I said was that they were both situations created by the indifference, callousness.. etc..
You speak wise words and I cannot but aplaude you.
I will just quote my favourite Saint, Saint Francis of Assisi "All things of creation are children of the Father and thus brothers of man. ... God wants us to help animals, if they need help. Every creature in distress has the same right to be protected". Another favourite of mind is: Fill your hear with compassion ...
Those who try to draw lines, differenciate, and in general find reasons to justify their indifference fall below what I have drawn for myself and my people as basic standards.

On a different subject, in a few days I will post an update of the effect this image and the slide show that accompanied has had on this matter. I cannot but applaud the hundreds of people (in a few days will surely be thousands) that have bombarded that company and the government officials involved with complains.

I cannot tell you exactly to what extent, it will be clearer by the end of the week, but one thing is sure, this time they have made a real difference.


        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
9/21/2006 6:27:32 AM

Opposite sides of the same coin Paul. A coin called indifference, callousness, selfishness, inhumanity.
Equally upsetting and equally worth fighthing for.
        Photo By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)

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