Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/3/2006 5:33:59 PM
Oia verdad? que maravilla de sitio...
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/3/2006 12:48:30 PM
Many would have gone for the fully saturated orgy of colours... I think the desaturated look makes this picture (and your portfolio) stand out. Regards
Photo By: Partha Pal
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/2/2006 11:29:12 PM
Sono la flauta por casualidad... vaya por Dios!
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/2/2006 6:17:25 PM
joder, parece un alien...
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/2/2006 2:10:14 PM
The day Mickey Mouse lost his nose...
Photo By: Gianes Ma
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/2/2006 2:07:15 PM
Very impressive. I have no doubt witnessing those drawings gives the cardinal a sense of achievement and possibly peace like no other. And discussing death?.. interesting, humans are the only species that so actively fear death.. we are the only ones that do not look at it as yet another stage of life.
Photo By: Hugo de Wolf
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/2/2006 2:02:19 PM
Now.. that is calm... I can hear the crickets along the side of the road. it is amazing how much an image can change with the inclusion of a dramatic sky... from turmoil to peace. Great
Photo By: brian underdown
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/2/2006 1:57:43 PM
thanks brian... that walk on water feel is exactly what I was looking for. Not entirely happy with the clouds, to be honest I have not found a subtle enough way to tweak them..
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/1/2006 12:32:39 PM
en efecto aqui hay algo de Michael Mann...
Photo By: k i k e d e l u i s
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/1/2006 12:14:11 PM
A mi lo que me parece fascinante es ver a toda esa gente haciendo fotos a monumentos con los telefonos moviles... y me pregunto yo... para que??????
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/1/2006 12:02:08 PM
Gracias Ruth... ya imagino que lo que te gusta de la foto no es precisamente el careto de mi modelo... umm.. te voy a enviar una foto a tu otro email para que veas exactamente a lo que me refiero. Cuando la veas entenderas lo acertado de la composicion de esta foto. Un beso
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/1/2006 7:29:49 AM
... and a award for best locations!... great shot.
Photo By: Krzysztof Lisiak
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
9/1/2006 7:23:27 AM
... nobody is perfect...
Photo By: Chris Mathews
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
8/7/2006 1:52:09 PM
Autocastigo? La fotografia como penitencia... un modo diferente de verlo... Por lo que veo acabas de regresar de tierras Helenas... os habeis debido de asar... la foto muy graciosa, a Grecia le va muy bien el BN
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
8/7/2006 1:36:40 PM
Yes.... slightly... about 0.25%... such a fine eye you have David. Those seagulls, they always let you down..
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
8/2/2006 5:11:56 PM
Un dia tu y yo vamos a tener que hablar Photoshop y de ocas... Un abrazo Ivan
Photo By: Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
8/2/2006 6:09:37 AM
Una imagen maravillosa... parece mentira que en estos mundos aun existan lugares donde se respire una calma como esta.. Me encanta no solo la composicion sino ver la atencion que prestas a detalles como saturar los picos de las ocas y anadir la neblina detras del carro dandole a este mas relieve y protagonismo. Un espectacular portfolio. Enhorabuena.
Photo By: Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/28/2006 3:41:59 PM
Yes... having the guy standing on a trash can or a park bench would have really detracted from the overall drama...
Photo By: Chris Sitter
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/28/2006 2:56:36 PM
I like the sepia filter you used.. it gives the image a certain dreamy quality.. only one flaw... and I know it is difficult specially as probably you were too close for comfort... you cut the feet of the fireman, how do you expect him to ran away if fire gets out of control? :-)
Photo By: Chris Sitter
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/28/2006 2:47:29 PM
Excellent.. father, son, love of the sea (and wife taking the pics).. great combination!
Photo By: Giulio Rotelli
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/28/2006 2:20:29 PM
Cutest image I have seen in months...
Photo By: Linda Mac Donald
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/28/2006 2:19:48 PM
The future probably holds an abusive boyfriend/husband and a bunch of kids that will impair her chances of progressing in life... Sad...
Photo By: Linda Mac Donald
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/28/2006 9:52:08 AM
ME quedo con la anterior.. no me preguntes por que.. quizas la distribucion de los espiritus...
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/25/2006 1:27:22 PM
I find very difficult to ask people in weddings and ceremonies to pose in stay still so that the arm does not look unrelaxed, etc... difficult and unnatural... I am sure the couple of very pleased with this pic but I think what they are more likely to remember is the atmosphere and joy of that day, a static pics like this dont quite catch it... Have you tried at taking doccumentary style pics on weddings?
Photo By: Sam Graziano III
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/25/2006 1:19:45 PM
What an appealing image Sam... I am not one to comment on flowers but wow... you got me with this one!
Photo By: Sam Graziano III
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/24/2006 8:04:08 PM
... que deambulan sin cesar por los canales en busca de baratijas..
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/24/2006 8:03:43 PM
... que deambulan sin cesar por los canales en busca de baratijas..
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/24/2006 8:02:21 PM
Vaya... hemos decidido volver el mismo dia o al menos eso parece... Que tal la vida? Como va ese veranito? Ya veo que deciste pasarte por Venecia en plena temporada en vez de hacerme caso a mi y viajar en invierno... la proxima vez que vayas para alla dimelo que te dire el sitio perfecto donde quedarte... Y bueno.. la foto genial... muy poetica... el artista en San Marco rodeado por las almas en pena de turistas americanos..
Photo By: r u t h d r io
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
7/11/2006 11:18:12 AM
Thank you very much.. you should't call me Master but if you insist..
Photo By: 神 風
Critique By:
Ivan Jimenez (K:9078)
6/24/2006 4:16:26 AM
My mum is right, you definitely look Jamaican.
Photo By: Selen Sanli