Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/6/2005 7:44:56 PM
This is really well done. You've managed to freeze the movement of the biker while portraying a sense of speed and movement in the background. In my opinion a tighter crop would have had more impact but that's just a small point. I particularly like the mud/sand spraying up behind him.
Photo By: Richard Clack
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/6/2005 7:42:39 PM
This is simply beautiful. Fantastic use of shallow depth of field and light. I adore the warm glow of the sun coming through the plant.
Photo By: Marian Coman
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/6/2005 3:59:20 PM
Hi Ollie, this photo stood out of your portfolio because it reminds me slightly of my piano shot. It's great to meet keen photographers of a similar age to me on Usefilm, particularly when they take such good photos! Thanks for all your comments on my photos.
Photo By: Ollie Mackley
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/6/2005 12:13:31 PM
A great photo made all the more effective by the complementary frame!
Photo By: Judi Liosatos
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/6/2005 12:10:40 PM
The sky in this image is magnificent, and the white trees are quite fascinating. Unfortunately I think the monument is slightly underexposed, losing some of its impact.
Photo By: Andy Leong
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/6/2005 12:05:32 PM
What an effective image. I prefer this one with the guy in focus rather and the balls blurred rather than vice versa.
Photo By: Ollie Mackley
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/6/2005 11:57:39 AM
Lovely composition. The way you have zoomed in fairly close gives this photo more impact than a whole body shot would have done. The warm colours really complement the snowy backdrop as well.
Photo By: Ivan Jimenez
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/5/2005 10:19:37 AM
Brilliant work! The high contrast and sharpness make the boat and derelict hut really stand out. The texture and patterns of the clouds are fabulous as well. I also think you did the right thing in making this a B&W shot.
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/5/2005 10:11:13 AM
Great grainy shot. I think the person in the distance conveys a real sense of loneliness.
Photo By: Huw Ge
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/5/2005 10:08:32 AM
Wow! Such a dark photograph makes the pigeons seem rather mysterious and sinister, especially with that ominous dark cloud looming over as well.
Photo By: murat TASBASI
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/4/2005 10:17:37 PM
Lovely shot. I am always mentioning my love of the shallow depth of field and this picture is certainly helped by this technique, making the icicles really stand out against what would otherwise be quite a distracting background. I think you've done the right thing converting to greyscale, putting emphasis on the beautiful shapes and textures visible.
Photo By: Effie White
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/4/2005 10:12:26 PM
Looking purely at the thumbnail I was about to comment that your verticals are not straight. But having straight verticals might defeat the object of a photo of a building world renowned for its slight tilt(!) Anyway, great photo. Nice to have a different perspective of the tower and the mono works really well.
Photo By: allan basik
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/4/2005 10:05:03 PM
There's a great spectrum of colours in this photo, enhanced by the texture of the clouds. The silhouetting of the trees on the horizon is really effective as well. Whereabouts did you take this?
Photo By: David Wade
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/3/2005 5:31:26 PM
The juxtaposition of the sharp leaves with the blurred leaves is surprisingly pleasing to the eye. Lovely vibrant colours as well.
Photo By: Alex Billington
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
2/3/2005 5:29:09 PM
Simplicity at its finest. This photo almost seems like an abstract.
Photo By: Patrick Di Fruscia
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/28/2005 12:43:01 PM
In my opinion this photo is slightly underexposed.The foliage at the foot of the mountain has little detail visible which is a shame. However, I like the composition as the tree and river "frame" the mountain well.
Photo By: Carol Watson
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/28/2005 12:39:39 PM
Interesting perspective with some really strong clean lines. I think it might be more pleasing if the top right corner of the building was in shot, but that's just my opinion.
Photo By: Alex Billington
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/28/2005 12:37:55 PM
It's a pity the birds and writing couldn't have been a bit sharper, but nevertheless it's a really opportune grab shot. Thank goodness pigeons can't read..otherwise they wouldn't have sat there long enough for you to take their picture!
Photo By: Kemal Kekeva
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/28/2005 12:34:41 PM
Initially these seems such a simple landscape but there is actually so much to look out. I love the dramatic clouds in the sky as well as the various textures of soil we can see in the three sections of field.
Photo By: Xunilek
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/24/2005 8:26:03 PM
At first glance I thought this was a photo of a flower! Lovely vibrant colours and the blur really portray that party atmosphere.
Photo By: Al Ungar
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/24/2005 8:19:53 PM
I wouldn't actually the exposure is too dark. Any darkness really adds to the tense atmosphere created by the tension in the sky and those foreboding mountains.
Photo By: Bogdan Lutostanski
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/24/2005 8:11:10 PM
An excellent shot. The exposure is perfect - clearly defined shadows with no burning out of the snow or sky. I particularly like the flowing line in the foreground which leads the eye across the picture.
Photo By: Hamed Hassani Ardekani
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/22/2005 4:47:17 PM
Not bad for an experiment!! I think the lighting is spot on. It might have been nice to see the tips of the leaf but overall a really simple yet effective still life.
Photo By: Fabrizio Fiorucci
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/22/2005 4:44:27 PM
What a great photo. The jellyfish is so distinct against the black background. Was this photo taken through glass?
Photo By: Judith Hengeveld
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/22/2005 4:42:24 PM
Really serene atmosphere depicted here. However I can't help thinking that this photo would have been better left in colour as I can imagine there would have been some really striking whites and vivid blues to see. Lovely composition nevertheless.
Photo By: Taco heikamp
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/22/2005 4:39:38 PM
I really like the golden glow in this picture, particularly where it is "scattered" over the logs in the foreground. Good composition as well.
Photo By: David Wade
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/21/2005 4:25:04 PM
Such a great shot. You were really lucky to get these three sat in just the right place, but even so the composition is excellent. I love the reflections of the birds in the water and the distant landscape as well.
Photo By: Gina Del Mistro
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/11/2005 5:20:19 PM
Beautiful scenery. I really like the vivid blue sky, well-defined clouds and the interesting texture in the foreground. Have you done anything to this on the computer is it straight from the camera?
Photo By: Coral Barclay
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/10/2005 8:06:08 PM
What an impressive landscape. The dark blue sky gives a foreboding feeling to the scene whilst the cottage gives a sense of scale. Nicely done!
Photo By: John E Robertson
Critique By:
Ian Hunter (K:1673)
1/10/2005 8:02:33 PM
What a cute little guy!! I always say it, but the shallow of depth of field really works well to focus the eye on the subject. The sepia tone adds an element of calm to the photo.
Photo By: AAT SA