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Critiques From karl rothenberger

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Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
12/10/2006 4:05:36 PM

hey paul, the light looks nice and soft from your flash. how did it go?
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
5/19/2006 4:58:23 PM

hi hugo, my walls have a type of coating on them that is somewhat reflective thus the highlight. i will be using this light from now on because i love the mood and the shadows. -k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
5/19/2006 4:43:10 PM

thanks for your comment. you really summed it up in a way that i wasn't able to. sometimes it takes an outside objective opinion. . . i guess thats the point of this forum right?
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
5/19/2006 4:40:02 PM

thanks hugo for your comments. the very fact that this photo has caused people to have such contrasting reactions means it was a success. i read an article once where a photographer said that all he wants when someone looks at his work is for them to look at an image for 4 seconds, if he gets 4 seconds it was a success. also the light souce was one lowell tungten light places to the right side of the subject. -k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
1/25/2006 6:59:27 PM

when i use film i use the n90s. i liked it because it was easy to use and not that expensive. more expensive cameras like the f5 are a little confusing and i dont really use all of there features. i recently went digital with the canon 5d. its rather expensive but if you are going to do portfolio work you'll never have to pay for film and processing and scanning again. for me, the camera paid for itself after the first 10 shoots. think about it if possible. -k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
10/31/2005 2:39:53 PM

just 35 mm
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
4/18/2005 9:40:39 PM

i love the nice soft look of the poloroid. it's a beautiful image.-k
        Photo By: tyson fast  (K:-305)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
3/27/2005 2:29:37 PM

thanks! i use portra 400 nc film as opposed to vc (vivid color), and i scan the negs. i used to scan using kodak master scans which i loved, they were cheap, $2, and the colors were close to the contact sheets and blended well, then they stopped master scans. i had to switch to what are called pro cd scans they are higher resolution, 22 megs, but i have to do more color correcting than before and they are more expensive $8 per scan still cheap for most but not like before. those master scans primarily gave me that nice soft look.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/21/2005 8:25:10 PM

hi joe,
no edit just the right time of day. the fabric and paint used is highly reflective and i chose to shoot just after sunset so that the paint reflects what light is available and that in turn contrasts with the grey brown of the park in winter. the only edit is the crop, thats it.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/21/2005 5:46:20 PM

thanks for your coments lasha, the girl had a very interesting ethnic look.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/21/2005 5:45:08 PM

hi alison,
yep that seems to be the consensus as everyones favorite. i might try and grab some more today after the snow last night.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/21/2005 5:43:09 PM

Hi joe,

no edit, only the crop. the fabric used is highly reflective, i chose to shoot just after the sun set so the sky was still light and the fabric reflects that light. the contrast results from the brown/gray enviroment of the park during the winter. check out other images of the gates at the following link but no editing other than crop, just the right time of day.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/20/2005 3:58:15 PM

thanks todd.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/20/2005 2:49:45 PM

Well Paul,
You don't have to understand it, i feel you just have to appreciate the fact that someone took the time and energy to construct something that he thought others would appreciate or find beautiful. art on really any level is too subjective, so if you like it great, if you don't just appreciate the fact that others might. personally i thought it was cool. and i was able to see the whole park from a friends office on the 49th floor at the corner of 59th and 5th. that view showed the scope of the project that travelled all the way to harlem. the fact that the park is packed, literally, shows how much of a success it is and how many people have gotten pleasure out of it, and if you don't like it, hey, it will be gone in a week.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/11/2005 3:18:24 PM

hi aaron, i never got the email on a stylist. here's my email address again i'll let you know the next time we critique books. thanks,-k
        Photo By: Aaron Griesdorn  (K:145)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/11/2005 12:43:34 AM

hey aaron, just wanted to let you know that a few photographer friends of mine are going to get together periodically to show each other our work and give constructive opinions. let me know if you might be interested in joining. we're keeping it small like 7 people max.-k
        Photo By: Aaron Griesdorn  (K:145)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/9/2005 11:45:58 PM

thank you so much burak.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/9/2005 11:42:06 PM

thanks peri, somehow it looks a little soft because of the reduced jpeg resolution, i'll see if i can swap it out for a better quality image.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/9/2005 11:40:18 PM

wow, sounds like i did a good job. thanks.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/9/2005 11:33:13 PM

thanks ron, but those were the best of the shoot.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/9/2005 11:32:24 PM

thanks vance, now just to let lacoste know.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/9/2005 11:31:20 PM

thanks for the translation and the compliment stace.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/9/2005 11:29:33 PM

Cheeky is more british english than american english but i understand its a compliment, thanks.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/8/2005 11:11:28 PM

thanks jaques, i thought i would change it up a little.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/8/2005 11:10:08 PM

thanks paul, its just window light on an overcast day.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/8/2005 11:09:10 PM

thanks ramon, window light and a soft focus filter.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/8/2005 11:08:20 PM

thanks jaques, it's going to be updated this week with a new story "when the day is done"-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/8/2005 11:07:12 PM

yeah michael, she was one of my favorites i must confess.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/8/2005 11:06:06 PM

thanks mark, f2.8 and some window light.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

Critique By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)  
2/8/2005 11:04:32 PM

thanks mark, i kind of like the point and shoot look, i'm going to do more of them.-k
        Photo By: karl rothenberger  (K:107)

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