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Critiques from John Cameron
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Critiques From John Cameron Cox


Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
12/31/2001 6:08:27 PM

Thank you Rose... The above comment was left by one of my colleagues at work while I was logged in to the site......
        Photo By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
12/31/2001 5:55:44 PM

Thank you Rose... The above comment was left by one of my colleagues at work while I was logged in to the site......
        Photo By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
12/10/2001 4:39:47 PM

well mr. john cox, i think it's about time you sold some of your photographs. these sky scapes are beautiful, they would make a great show. i'm no curator or art director, but i'd be damn good at it if i was. so take my word for it.
if you don't have anything against gallery shows i really think you should go for it.

(don't let that let you take this any less seriously!)
        Photo By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
12/4/2001 9:21:05 PM

Oh Stop!!!

Ok, Ok!! So it was obvious.... =) It's still fun. I enjoy taking images out of context and presenting them in a somewhat odd way. This beautiful old Florida "Live Oak" is almost 80 feet across. Numerous locals have dubbed it "The Octopus". As large as it is, there are other "Live Oak" trees in Central Florida that are larger. I have other images of it on another site. Contact me by email if you would enjoy seeing it upright.
        Photo By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
11/21/2001 11:36:34 PM

Nicely seen and rendered Bonnie!!! Love the colors too!
        Photo By: Bonnie Shedd  (K:174)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
11/8/2001 8:55:08 AM

Hi. Yes it is a second story window and is shot from below, and no it was not adjusted in PhotoShop. The long lens tends to flatten perspective. Also, because I lined up the frame of the image with the frame of the wimdow and not with the horizontal lines of the boards, and due to the extensive coverage of the ivy, it sort of obscures the paralax.

The window is secondary in the image and what I wanted to convey. The ivy is reclaiming the space. The window is the supporting element. Thus the title "Ivy" rather than, say, "window wiyh Ivy" Tahnks, I'm glad that I conveyed what I was hoping.
        Photo By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
11/7/2001 10:17:27 PM

I love the soft texture, which is enhanced by the soft light. Will be interested in the follow up photo, but I do like this one as it is.
        Photo By: Dawn F. Collins  (K:560)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
11/7/2001 9:34:46 PM

Thanks Daniel, I generally meter for the sky. The sky is usually brighter than the landscape enough that the earth and trees, etc.
tend to go into silhouette.
        Photo By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
11/5/2001 8:23:36 PM

Thanks Beverly. I have browsed your portfolio and love the way you see things. You have an excellent eye and I appreciate your comments.
        Photo By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)

Critique By: John Cameron Cox  (K:34)  
10/31/2001 11:22:22 PM

Beautiful shot Bonnie. This shot is excellent just the way you shot it. Running around with "black clothes" and "neutralizing" the
background would make this nothing more than an artificial studio shot. The repetition of the leaves adds tension and drama. The
composition is just perfect. You followed the rule of thirds just right. "Centering" (Bulls-eye syndrome) would total destroy the
image. The colors are of the background are great and the shadow shifting to lavender compliments the yellow hues in the palmetto.
        Photo By: Bonnie Shedd  (K:174)


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