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Critiques To 


Critique By: Bruno Caetano  (K:2940)  
5/14/2005 1:51:36 AM

I like the composition. Very simple but works well in B&W.
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: chris deuel  (K:94)  
5/13/2005 8:14:28 PM

Thanks for the nice comments, John. I agree with you about the lighting, but the duck might not have been there! I think the chairs and the trees would have stood out more if the lighting was different.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: John Loreaux  (K:86210)  
5/9/2005 10:29:46 AM

Hi Chris, This is a really nice landscape. The composition is excellent! It seems to have a darkish cast to it.Mayby its the direction of the sun. Looks like it was coming from the right, high in the sjy. I wonder what this ssame scene would look like if the sun was lower and illuminating the back of the chair?? Than it would also be catching the trees! It's a nice photo but I think a different time of day would work even better! Take care Chris!My best..................John
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: chris deuel  (K:94)  
4/29/2005 6:08:06 AM

Matej - thanks for all of your critiques on my images. I really value your input since you do some creative and beautiful work in black and white. You're right about the lighting and the film - the only thing I had handy was an old roll of HP5 lying around, so I did the best I could with it. I actually like the way the leaf turned out in the background; I think it adds some interest. If possible, I would like to discuss with you sometime what films, developer, etc. you use if different situations. Take care.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: chris deuel  (K:94)  
4/29/2005 5:55:19 AM

Thanks Saeed; I like the picture the way you have edited it. It is distracting having the post coming out of the top of the cat's head. I think ideally I should have taken the picture at a different angle so that the post was offset from his head. Thanks for the comments.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Antonia BauerleinSehnert  (K:30599) Donor  
4/29/2005 5:35:45 AM goes This has interest for me insofar as the cat is looking back in a way that begs the question of the story here. The grain does add interest. The image improves with the deletion of the post behind the cat's head. The tonal range is o.k. -- the contrast is a little low, so in that regard the photo could use a little more punch. It is a nice study of a cat though -- shows personality. Antonia
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Antonia BauerleinSehnert  (K:30599) Donor  
4/29/2005 5:33:55 AM goes This has interest for me insofar as the cat is looking back in a way that begs the question of the story here. The grain does add interest. The image improves with the deletion of the post behind the cat's head. Antonia
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
4/28/2005 5:22:22 PM

For some reason, sunsets seem to be a very popular subject (personally I tend to abide by David Goldfarb's "put on the lenscap and enjoy the moment"). With so many sunset photos being taken, it's difficult to come up with something that stands out from the crowd. This particular one kind of lacks a point of interest. The photo is divided 1:1 between a big empty shadow and a rather non-dramatic sky. The sky reflected in the water and the tiny bit of yellow on the horizon liven things up, but for me they are not sufficient to carry the whole image.
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
4/28/2005 5:22:07 PM

Once again you may want to go for slightly deeper blacks, but otherwise it looks good. I don't mind bits of the environment showing in the photo; environmental portraits (whether of people or pets) tell a more complete story about the portraitee than zero-backround ones. So instead of eliminating those surrounding elements, I would encourage you to look for angles that do the opposite (of couse while using selective focus and throughtful composition to avoid chaos).
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
4/28/2005 5:21:50 PM

This is more interesting than a lot of flower photos I've seen but I'd say there's room for improvement.

1) Composition. I agree with Mary Sue. Having the top of the flower so close to the top of the frame and so much empty space underneath makes the photo look unbalanced. In principle I have nothing against non-standard compositions that do not abide by 'rules', but here I do not see a strong reason to compose things the way they are.

2) Tonality. I appreciate that you've retained highlight details, especially given the harsh light (judging by the shadow inside the flower; I think diffused light would have been better). Deeper tones in the background probably would not have hurt; the flower's dominance as the main subject would be reinforced. A red filter (along with a polarizer to eliminate reflections) might do the job, or, using the existing negative, you could try to at least burn in the brightest leaf on the right.

3) Choice of film. I think the delicate nature of flowers can be retained more easily using a delicate film like Fuji Acros. The extra speed of HP5 probably wasn't needed here.
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Saeed Al Shamsi  (K:47735) Donor  
4/28/2005 9:28:58 AM

As a subject it done very well especially composed and moment capture, as it is in the grainy project so am sure you intentionally wanted that effect, as final result the image needs retouch to get the main subject without disturbing elements, that can be applied if the situation permit when we capture otherwise work with editing tools we can eliminate un wanted parts, I did a quick work on the black line (center background) and the top right corner to leave the cat in first attraction. Hope you like it. Saeed

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: chris deuel  (K:94)  
4/27/2005 4:57:20 AM

Thanks Zafar; I really like the way you cropped and framed the photo. I actually played around with that a little bit before I posted the photo, but decided to include the entire image for whatever reason. The fuji provia film does a really nice job with the sky and water, but I was hoping for a little more color saturation with the trees. Thanks for the comments.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: chris deuel  (K:94)  
4/27/2005 4:35:13 AM

Thanks Mary Sue; I think I just got lucky on this one. I have several other pictures that didn't come out quite so well. I agree a little more room up top would be nice and open up the picture. Thanks for the comment.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: M. Zafar Rabbani  (K:1451)  
4/26/2005 6:32:38 AM

Very thoughtful composition. Colors look fabulous. The duck adds a beautiful mood and breathes life in the frame. I think the foreground can be cropped off a little bit as it is not adding much to the frame IMO. The point of focus are the chairs followed by the water, the duck and then the eyes are drawn to the magnificient mountains.

Looks great as it too. Beautiful capture.

Kind regards.
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor  
4/24/2005 1:04:23 PM

I like the way you have shot this calla. I've tried so many times to shoot a calla, but have rarely been successful.

The diagonal works very well, I only wish there was a little more room at the top.
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: Andrea Harris  (K:2496)  
4/13/2005 9:21:31 PM

Very pretty! And lots to see - even though the floral waterfall is the focus, the left side of the picture really intrigues me...the greenery growing over the building, the arched window and wheel all add a neat dimension to the photo.
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: chris deuel  (K:94)  
4/12/2005 8:39:09 PM

The duck was there - I swear! No (well, very little) editing. Thanks for the comments Allan; any critiquing is greatly appreciated as I am trying to improve my technique. Unfortunately, I am somewhat limited with my equipment. I look forward to seeing more of your photos; very nice work.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: allan basik  (K:434)  
4/12/2005 2:30:17 PM

Chris - how did you get the duck to complete your triangle?! he must be well trained.

I really like the compsition (chairs-valley-duck) and how the eye is kept moving. I only wish there were more shoulders (wider angle) and with that more sky. And the colors are nice and cool accentuated by the red. nice going.


ps thanks for noticing 'discarded'
        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: chris deuel  (K:94)  
4/9/2005 4:14:54 AM

Thank you for my first comment, Christine! That was very nice to hear. I noticed you have a beautiful sunset photo also and some very nice flower macros. Love the "abandoned" composition. This website has really motivated me to get out and take more photos. Take care.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)

Critique By: C.A.  Mikulice  (K:13300)  
4/9/2005 12:07:59 AM

Beautiful sunset photo, Chris. The bit of water that reflected what was left of the light adds a lot to the photo.

Welcome to usefilm, I look forward to seeing more of your photos.

        Photo By: chris deuel  (K:94)


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