chris deuel
{K:94} 5/13/2005
Thanks for the nice comments, John. I agree with you about the lighting, but the duck might not have been there! I think the chairs and the trees would have stood out more if the lighting was different.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 5/9/2005
Hi Chris, This is a really nice landscape. The composition is excellent! It seems to have a darkish cast to it.Mayby its the direction of the sun. Looks like it was coming from the right, high in the sjy. I wonder what this ssame scene would look like if the sun was lower and illuminating the back of the chair?? Than it would also be catching the trees! It's a nice photo but I think a different time of day would work even better! Take care Chris!My best..................John
chris deuel
{K:94} 4/27/2005
Thanks Zafar; I really like the way you cropped and framed the photo. I actually played around with that a little bit before I posted the photo, but decided to include the entire image for whatever reason. The fuji provia film does a really nice job with the sky and water, but I was hoping for a little more color saturation with the trees. Thanks for the comments.
M. Zafar Rabbani
{K:1451} 4/26/2005
Very thoughtful composition. Colors look fabulous. The duck adds a beautiful mood and breathes life in the frame. I think the foreground can be cropped off a little bit as it is not adding much to the frame IMO. The point of focus are the chairs followed by the water, the duck and then the eyes are drawn to the magnificient mountains.
Looks great as it too. Beautiful capture.
Kind regards.
 From Zafar |
chris deuel
{K:94} 4/12/2005
The duck was there - I swear! No (well, very little) editing. Thanks for the comments Allan; any critiquing is greatly appreciated as I am trying to improve my technique. Unfortunately, I am somewhat limited with my equipment. I look forward to seeing more of your photos; very nice work.
allan basik
{K:434} 4/12/2005
Chris - how did you get the duck to complete your triangle?! he must be well trained.
I really like the compsition (chairs-valley-duck) and how the eye is kept moving. I only wish there were more shoulders (wider angle) and with that more sky. And the colors are nice and cool accentuated by the red. nice going.
ps thanks for noticing 'discarded'