chris deuel
{K:94} 4/29/2005
Thanks Saeed; I like the picture the way you have edited it. It is distracting having the post coming out of the top of the cat's head. I think ideally I should have taken the picture at a different angle so that the post was offset from his head. Thanks for the comments.
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 4/29/2005
K...here goes :) This has interest for me insofar as the cat is looking back in a way that begs the question of the story here. The grain does add interest. The image improves with the deletion of the post behind the cat's head. The tonal range is o.k. -- the contrast is a little low, so in that regard the photo could use a little more punch. It is a nice study of a cat though -- shows personality. Antonia
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 4/29/2005
K...here goes :) This has interest for me insofar as the cat is looking back in a way that begs the question of the story here. The grain does add interest. The image improves with the deletion of the post behind the cat's head. Antonia
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 4/28/2005
Once again you may want to go for slightly deeper blacks, but otherwise it looks good. I don't mind bits of the environment showing in the photo; environmental portraits (whether of people or pets) tell a more complete story about the portraitee than zero-backround ones. So instead of eliminating those surrounding elements, I would encourage you to look for angles that do the opposite (of couse while using selective focus and throughtful composition to avoid chaos).
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 4/28/2005
Hi,Chris As a subject it done very well especially composed and moment capture, as it is in the grainy project so am sure you intentionally wanted that effect, as final result the image needs retouch to get the main subject without disturbing elements, that can be applied if the situation permit when we capture otherwise work with editing tools we can eliminate un wanted parts, I did a quick work on the black line (center background) and the top right corner to leave the cat in first attraction. Hope you like it. Saeed
