Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
6/13/2010 10:39:46 AM
This capture for me is so delightful,Poppies being my favourite flower,thanks for sharing Anthony,I will use it for my screen saver.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
8/7/2009 5:44:30 PM
I would imagine that this lady that has been a lady that has lunched all her life..a nice capture,however I would have liked to have seen her features if only to find that she has had some help along life's way,if she has, then good for her. I would name the capture an enigma in denim:)
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
5/13/2006 7:06:42 PM
Awe sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet lovely capture,beautiful dog,excellent all round.
Photo By: Nicole Stasiuk
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
3/8/2006 2:25:43 PM
Okay Hugo...try this...
Photo By: Maureen Austin
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
11/5/2005 1:27:12 PM
Hi Anthony I have had this link sent to me today,thought I would share same.....
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
11/5/2005 12:45:04 PM
Photo By: James Fraser
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
11/5/2005 12:44:25 PM
I too was wondering that Gabriela.
Where are you Anthony...we seek him here,we seek him there.!
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
11/5/2005 10:08:50 AM
Sad indeed,reminds me of a Gone with the wind scene. Maureen
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
11/5/2005 10:07:39 AM
Bright colours captured just right,thank you. Maureen
Photo By: Joe Ciccone
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
11/5/2005 10:06:28 AM
What a good shot,very nice thank you. Maureen
Photo By: Etienne
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
11/4/2005 9:45:26 AM
Thank you Ellen for taking the time to comment. Maureen
Photo By: Maureen Austin
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/14/2005 12:52:45 PM
Which so reminds me of the Station in the film Brief Encounter,very good capture.
Photo By: Eduardo Bernardes
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/12/2005 11:09:30 AM
I was going to suggest the title be...
The Naked Civil Servant..
...but thought twice about it )
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/12/2005 10:55:10 AM
To wet to whoo eh? ..love it,thank you.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/9/2005 12:33:11 PM
Lovely shot,lovely cat.
Photo By: Özlem Mehmet
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 5:47:09 PM
Hi Don and yes the wall has been repaired,and would you believe this took place in November of last year !!! all too sunny for England in the fall.
Photo By: Maureen Austin
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 12:48:49 PM
I hope I have Anthony and thank you kind Sir...but then... WHAT is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?? No time to stand beneath the boughs, And stare as long as sheep and cows:
No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance:
No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began?
A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 11:16:32 AM
Lovely capture of Miss Sabrina indeed,well done for your patience I suspect,regards.
Photo By: Mary Therese Marie's Photos
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 11:14:20 AM
Which so reminds of.... The Road Not Taken Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that, the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 9:43:18 AM
Well captured ....a little bit more about the creature please.
Photo By: Kambiz K
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 9:41:53 AM
Clouds.. Wandering the meadows of distant memory; Most familiar faces are strangers now to me; Intimate reflections, broken in the glass, Evade the eye of knowing as I file them under 'Past'; With utmost care and diligence I sweep them all away; Someone might trip over them, one future sunny day.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 9:37:13 AM
Little boy lost springs to mind,he certainly wasn't going to pose for the camera....an honest little chap he seems,well captured.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/7/2005 9:33:25 AM
Awe... all good things must I suppose come to an end Anthony,but afore ye go I feel I have to congatulate you on your very interesting study of Amish life,until next year as you say,safe journey home,and thank you.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/6/2005 9:42:59 AM
Since I posted this picture of Holly,she has been savaged by a Staffordshire bull terrier!! a dash to the vets etc,so at the moment she is rather subdued.
Photo By: Maureen Austin
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/6/2005 9:33:12 AM
I must add Anthony,I too have thoroughly enjoyed your holiday with the Amish community,very inspiring,will be lovely to go back to during our Winter months ahead,thank you,very much appreciated.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/6/2005 7:59:21 AM
Why thank you Anthony....the poem is the work of Marilyn Ferguson in 1987. It seems to accompany your well captured picture,lovely time of the year.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/4/2005 6:30:14 PM
A lovely view indeed,makes one quite envious!!!!
Photo By: Joe Ciccone
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/4/2005 6:27:58 PM
October is a splendid month Wrapped in a flaming shawl It holds the richest treasures As the summer turns to fall.
The brilliant leaves swirl to the earth Colors of orange and brown Dipped in scarlet and touched with bronze They fall tumbling to the ground.
The grass is dying, the flowers are gone October is taking his stand. He is paving the way for winter Leaving his mark upon the land.
He does his job so silently Splashing the woodlands with gold To be altered by ruthless ?Ole Winter Who enters so careless and bold.
He will crinkle the leaves that you?ve colored Causing a state of despair And cover the day with a blanket of gray Forgetting you ever were there.
But, although your radiant flame must die And the delicate leaves do fall You?ve paved the way for snowflake days As winter drapes your shawl.
Photo By: Anthony Lound
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/4/2005 7:35:15 AM
Excellent Don
The colours are beautifully mixed,an awesome capture.
Photo By: Don mecano
Critique By:
Maureen Austin (K:273)
10/3/2005 8:50:14 AM
This I like,great capture.
Photo By: antonu stil