City - Lancaster County State - PENNSYLVANIA Country - United States
I was very self-conscious and felt rather cheap about pointing my camera at the Amish, but I'm assured that kids don't mind so much. Still, this boy's expression leaves me wondering - it was a fleeting moment through my windshield (actually now I think about it, it was out of the driver's side window), and I set my cam at high shutter speed for candid shots like this one. BTW, this haircut is universal among Amishmen.
A very beautiful portrait, Anthony!!!It would make a great painting in oil! As I've already said, I like the entire series from the Amish Country. You are offering us such a present! Best regards, Gabriela
With that lens you have to get really close, too. He seems a little helpless and insecure, maybe because of some other event. What's interesting, is that he is seated in the grass. You don't see too many kids seated like this, they usually run, jump, etc. I'm thinking again of Andrew Wyeth... maybe he was unable to move? Did you see him get up? Because that is an unusual stance for a little boy. Regardless, he's beautiful. A very compelling image...
Susie and Kathy, yes I think you are correct. This can't have been the first time for this little kid. Looking back on the morality of all this troubles me somewhat. I tried to be respectful and discreet.
He does look a bit sad, Anthony. Well captured. I have heard that the Amish don't like to be photographed. I've never been there, but have some friends who found it fascinating, like you did. It has been a treat to see their community through your eyes! Thank you! Kathy