Wilson Junior
{K:2092} 5/13/2003
I have one of for of the sun that has gilding shades similar to this yours. His gallery this sensational one, congratulations. My princess daughter's picture I asked for her to do a grimace and she left that way. Hugs.
Javed Rassi
{K:8223} 4/3/2003
well composed shot, and color, could be sharper but I like it.
Sabrina Kemp
{K:7} 2/21/2003
despite what was said, I personally love this photo. The shadows and softness is simply beautiful.
Lexie Summers
{K:2027} 2/21/2003
I love this shot. But I will agree with everyone else. I wish that it was a little more in focus.
Lexie Summers
{K:2027} 2/21/2003
I love this shot. But I will agree with everyone else. I wish that it was a little more in focus.
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 2/21/2003
This photo was taken hand-held, didn't have a pod with me that day, but couldn't resist. Used a big aperature for softness, and slow shutter, so the scene is not real sharp.
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 2/21/2003
This photo was taken hand-held, didn't have a pod with me that day, but couldn't resist. Used a big aperature for softness, and slow shutter, so the scene is not real sharp.
{K:16195} 2/21/2003
Beautiful composed.But a litlebit out of focus.I thing that the problem is scene.I like it.