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At The Window 3
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Image Title:  At The Window 3
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 By: Aniko Heart  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Aniko Heart  Aniko Heart {Karma:26503}
Project #10 Grainy Film for Effect Camera Model Minolta SRT 101
Categories Portrait
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Fantasy/Romance
Lens Sigma 70--200 zoom
Uploaded 9/9/2006 Film / Memory Type Kodak 1600
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 398 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 16 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Melbourne
Country - Australia   Australia
About I get a passion for shooting similar images over and over. This is but one of many "at the window" images in a series. Two (or maybe three???) models have been kind enough to "pose" at this filthy cracked window for me... no easy feat.. the building was all but "easy" , from both inside and out. I feel more for my models than me, sinking in the swamp outside to capture these (to me ) interesting images... Gratitude to those sweet ladies in the name of ART!
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There are 16 Comments in 1 Pages
Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/13/2006
Warm Thanks Marks!

It always amazes me how people feel about certain images. I must agree, there is an element of "freakishness" in this shot, yet I find it to be rather tranquil and very positive! :)

Once again, thank you for your kind comments,
Aniko :)


Marks Film Marks Film   {K:374} 9/13/2006
Great shot, freaky, captivating, all in one. Nice shot Aniko. You have some great work on this site and i look forward to viewing the rest.


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/11/2006
Hi Ana!

Yes it is a shame my son cut his hair off.

I was referring to my youngest son (not the one in the "textures" photo) who has Portuguse blood on his father's side. Sadly, he and his father are not in contact.

I guess no one is always nice, ana... but your comments are "fair" and you are nice to me...

Warm Thanks, and a pleasure to hear from you.
Aniko :)


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 9/10/2006
Aniko i wrote a big comment a few minutes ago and it desapear...
I was congratulating you for the goolooking son ! and saying how sorry i was about he was having a haircut.
We have mainly our female names in A ane the male in O
'(I have a child part Portugese, sadly with no knowledge of the language...)
i'm not sure i understand this it that you have some portuguese ancestor?
i'm not nice al the time yesterday i got very irritated with Rashed that was commmenting about my photo not being in focus , so trust me i answered him the way he deserved..
kindly ana


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/10/2006
Cool Paul!
Guess that's the next 4 uploads!

Or not???

We'll see...

Thanks for the great feedback. Always appreciated, friend.

Ani :)


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 9/10/2006
Hehe....Me mean?? naaaaaa but yeah I think it would be great to get to watch you work!! obsessive?? No more than I...:) Would love to see more of your series on these shoots and would consider it much an honor!

:) huuuuuugs back at you!



Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/10/2006
Thanks Paul...

Ya reckon you'd like to see me on these shoots hip high in mud??? Cruel man!!! LOL!

Glad you like this shot, Paul. I have a whole series. Am I a tad obsessive, you think? hehehe...

Truly... thanks ... your feedabck is wholeheartedly apprectated.

Ani :)


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 9/9/2006
Wow Great image my friend!!! I just love it. So artistic and beautiful! I think I would just to see you do a shoot at that location! I think that would be a thrill in itself!
Most awsome image Aniko and thanks for sharing!

Warm wishes



Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/9/2006
Dear Albert... you are kind!

The poor model strained herself perching on a rotting kitchen bench to be close enough to the winddow for me to even see her (and the props I provided)from outside in swamp conditions, to make this image. The figures you refer to are but leaves... I am impressed that you and others that have commented have seen them as something "more"... I did when shooting this.

Warm Thanks Dear Friend!
Aniko :)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/9/2006
Hehehe... sinking was well worth it, Joggie!

I thank you dearly from my heart for your interest and comments.

Warm Wishes,
Aniko :)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/9/2006
Sweet Ana:

I am female. :)

The little men you refer to are leaves... but I see them as little men :) Male "faires" perhaps????

You are always so sweet and generous with you comments.

I have a close Italian friend who says that "o" is masculine and "a" is femimine in Italian.... similar in your native tongue? (I have a child part Portugese, sadly with no knowledge of the language...) I am not Australian... I am a Hungarian LIVING in Australia, and having both tongues... My name ends in "o". Affectionately, my mother calls me Anik"a"!!! Feminine!) And your name and mine "mean" (have same root origin) the same.... :)

Always a pleasure to hear from you, ana..
Warm Wishes,
Aniko... (defintely a female~!) :) (Check my profile... if you wish... even I have picture of me there... :)


Albert Jacobs Albert Jacobs   {K:9527} 9/9/2006
Hello Aniko,

Perfect view, you show us here !

It has every ingredient making it interesting and catching all the attention. First of all there is that nice somehow surrealistic impression you realised beautiful here.
The composition is simply great and I like the colors, they combine well together. The forms, face, hand, light and these figures in the upper left (form the point of watcher) do make a very strong and impressive, mysterious, combination.
Compliments and thankz for sharing this.

Wish all the best and see you,


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 9/9/2006
Great shot Aniko, lovely grain on the Kodak. Very well composed in spite of the you sinking!Regards.


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 9/9/2006
the little men hanging on upper left are fabulous, Aniko.
sorry in my country a name ending by an o is man. but you are from such adifferent iiome that i get confused, man? woman?
i've been commenting you with the feeling that you are female.:)


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 9/9/2006
Thanks Colin..
Interesting... your comment... I have had many from this "series" in an exhibition. I pretended I was not "responsible" ... lol... I stood and listened to people's "reactions/responses"... Some saw ghostly/eerie. I recall well, as it was so recently, one young girl (teenager) say: "How beautiful! Look at the faires everywhere..."

Hugs my friend,
Ani :)


Colin Porter   {K:834} 9/9/2006
Great atmospere you have caught in this photo a rather ghostly feel to it
Hugs Colin:)




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