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Art Deco
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Image Title:  Art Deco
Favorites: 0 
 By: Michele Carlsen  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Michele Carlsen  Michele Carlsen {Karma:146013}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Cannon/410
Categories Abstracts
Alternative Process
Film Format
Portfolio Abstracts
All Personality Traits
Altered Abstracts
Lens Cannon Zoom Lens 3.2x
Uploaded 9/10/2006 Film / Memory Type N/A
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 499 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Lincoln City
State -  OREGON
Country - United States   United States
About I am not sure about this image in ANY WAY.
Please tell me you hate it, or it doesn't appeal to you. . . if so...
I don't feel comfortable with this image ... but wanted to try another abstract like the previous.

Thank you for your time.
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/20/2006
Thank You Avi !!

I appreciate your comments very much !
Best wishes,


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 9/20/2006
And another !!!!.. good work, Michele !!

cheers ! :)


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/11/2006
It didn't have to grow on You Doyle !!!
Haaaaahhhahhahaha!!!! You do crack me up !!

Thank you and I am glad you like it.
I appreciate your views.

Wishing the Best ,


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 9/11/2006
I like it. Period. And it didn't have to grow on me. I'm no abstract expert . . . but I know what I like. Could see this as a poster!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/11/2006
Hi Annemettete,

Thank you for your comment on this abstract... I think it's not so much that I dis-liked it...It just wasn't what I was hoping for.. Most of the time the images I like 'others don't' so I was hoping for maybe others to see what I couldn't see...'and what do you know ?' along came you !
Thank you for your encouragement.
Peace and Health,


Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen   {K:55244} 9/10/2006
Dear Michele
Well, I actually like this style:-) There´s something facinating about so simple images with this contrast between darkness and light. A search for a clue about what the object is and still a calm atmosphere.
Well done. Although you don´t seem to like it yourself, I do:-)
Best wishes,


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 9/10/2006
Hey.....Just getting in from church and got your reply to my comment. No really, It grew on me, and won't get everyone to tell you I'm
But really it did and in just that short of time.
There is more to a photo than just visual as Im sure you know. I have not read yet the other critiques as they are now coming in. Will be interesting I Which reminds me. I want to write you a email regarding some things which Ill try to do during the day if I get the chance and if not tonight from work.
Yes, leave it up for a bit and see what the feel is.....
Have a great day.....



Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/10/2006
The iimage was shot at the same place as the other one Paul... just a motel on the beach ....I think you are just trying to be nice because you are nice...I do appreciate it . I will leave it for awhile but I don't think it's gonna grow on me ! LOL !!!
Thank You again tho !!
Best wishes, and Happy Sunday


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/10/2006
Hi Paul,
Thank you for such an interesting critique... I must say I agree with you .... It doesn't really do much for me ...but then I get sooo mixed up. The images I do like the best , others don't , and the ones I think are crummy are more popular ???!!!! Sooo I thought maybe this one might work out with this theory in mind.... but I don't think so ...
I appreciate your thoughtful comment very much.

Thank You my Friend,


The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 9/10/2006
Michele, where did you shoot this image at?
This is like music.....sometimes when I first
here something I dont much care for it......
Then after awhile .....Sometime years, it becomes
some of you most favorite music to listen to.
You know what I mean!
It grows on you. When I first view this photo It really did not do anything to me. Looking at it a few times I started to see more of it which sounds kinda strange but anyways, then I realized
that I had not viewed the large version and when I open that it really kinda popped out at me and gave me a really kinda lonesome feeling of a night before and the loneliness of the next day.
Ok ok I seem to be going nowhere so let me shut up......The image does have effect. That is very meaningful.



The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 9/10/2006
Howdy Michele. Hope all is well.
ok here goes....... This really doesen't do much for me but that is not too say its not good.
If I have learned anything about photogaphy its
that you should do it for yourself more than anything and as long as it does something for you .......anything at all, then it will do something for someone somewhere at sometime. But its yourself that is most important. Then again if it touches someone else Then it comes full circle and has compeleted it mission. lol
What am I saying!!! (YIKES)!
Your experimenting and that is good. The other one I really liked and to me it had great artistical strenght.
This image even seems alittle of ballanced as well. I will say this. While writing this to you, I have looked back up and viewed it a few times and its getting better......That must mean something so please keep trying. Beautiful art is in the eye of the beholder.
There is going to be ones that like it and ones that dont so .......Create for yourself first and then whatever happens happens. As long as you like it is number one!
Take care my ..........:)





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