Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 12/8/2006
very cool. great capture. marvelous portafolio.
Robin W
{K:16308} 12/2/2006
Thank you Sheila, appreciate the visit!
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 12/1/2006
Beautiful black and white Robin! Very nice lighting. You did a great job capturing such a sweet moment!
Robin W
{K:16308} 11/28/2006
Nothing, nothing at all...if that's what they want for breakfast, so be it...just as long as I don't have to eat it for breakfast!
Holy crow...we can add cooking to the list of Doyle talents??? :)
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 11/28/2006
Uhhhhhh . . . so what's wrong with Mac & Cheese with bologna? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
(Maker of KILLER homemade Mac & Cheese)!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 11/25/2006
qué bello rostro y gracioso gesto! Un retrato excelente, muy linda luz! Felicitaciones!
Robin W
{K:16308} 11/24/2006
Thank you for the lovely comment sweetie! I'm doing well, getting stronger everyday, and ALMOST always doing as I'm told!
Take care of yourself my friend...Hugs back to you...Robin
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 11/24/2006
Fabulous lighting sweet Robin and an excellent conversion into these beautiful monochromatic tones. The expression on that dear little face is simply priceless and how well I remember how babies seem to 'wear' their food . I love the boldness of the crop to this sweetie and the interplay between light and shadow. Great stuff my lovely girl and great to see that you are posting. I hope you are doing as you are told and still gradually building up your strength. Take good care of you my sweet friend, 'see' you again soon. My very best wishes to you as always.....Big hugs...RayX;)
Robin W
{K:16308} 11/23/2006
Dank u mijn vriend, altijd gewaardeerd!
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 11/23/2006
Robin ten thousand points for this lovely B&W beautiful portrait :) you r doing a great job..best regards from riny
Robin W
{K:16308} 11/23/2006
Thank you Mary!
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 11/23/2006
Sweet!!!!!! Excellent B&W portrait. Ciao.
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 11/23/2006
Great moment captured Robin- shame we can't all stay that natural and spontaneous! Beautiful eyes and wonderful expression.
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 11/23/2006
LOL at the menu Robin... and agree, kids really don't care what the menu mix is... that is unless it is a personal taste bud BLEKKK!!!...
This is a lovely catch... The light and tones, soft... as does suit the softness of children... with just the right amount of washable facial texture LOL...
Nice work...
Take care of you... so very nice to have you back.. :)
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 11/23/2006
Gorgeous Robin! The photo is not bad either!! LOL You can keep the blueberries, I am NOT a fan, although I have never tried them with hotdogs so maybe I am missing something. A great candid capture, I love the puckered lips, grotty face and the light in her eyes. A great one from the vault. Hugs, Bek
Robin W
{K:16308} 11/22/2006
I think I had the same pursed lips when I was saying...ewwwwww! You know kids though...mac & cheese with bologna for breakfast, pancakes and green beans for dinner...it just doesn't matter to them.
Thanks for stopping by Doyle!
Take care...Robin
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 11/22/2006
Giuseppe's right. Very bravo Robin . . . but yech . . . blueberry and hotdog? You'd get a different expression out of most adults all right! I, personally, prefer the spotlessly clean face . . . and you may need sandpaper to get it with that meal if you wait too long! Nice light and tonal range . . . I'll give you that.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 11/22/2006
Your neighbor is beautiful Robin. There is all the world in her calm, steady, investigating eyes. Very bravo the photographer who captured this expression impossible to find in the grown-up people. Cheers.
Alan Shaffer
{K:5873} 11/22/2006
Cute! Well done composition. A really nice shot! Keep up the good work. All the best to you.