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Image Title:  got petunia?
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 By: Robin W  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Robin W  Robin W {Karma:16308}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Nature
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Lens Canon  75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 EF IS USM
Uploaded 12/19/2006 Film / Memory Type Compactflash 1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 479 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 19 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
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There are 19 Comments in 1 Pages
Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 3/17/2007
Thank you Bobot. I've been busy lately, but I will catch up with you soon!



1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 3/14/2007
Wow, wonderful shot gramma, very interesting and i love the shallow depth. the red it is holding and its position.. Great capture! and very good composition. congrats for this capture..


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 12/28/2006
Wow, amazing .. what a clarity in this shot .. and the pose of the animal is super .. Peter


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 12/21/2006
Wonderful image Robin- the warmth and clarity. And that eye is amazing. Hope you keep the sun instead of snow.


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 12/21/2006
There may be a better or easier way mentioned in a Forum entry but I do not know what it is. After I save the file I use either the Windows Properties or the Adobe Bridge to read the EXIF data; you may have another product that does that as well. I doubt that EXIF info could be read directly from the web screen but there are so many nifty free utilities out there -- maybe that is possible, too.


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 12/21/2006
Thanks for the info Jan...isn't there another way to view the data? Thought I read somewhere (in the forums?) there is another option...maybe not? Ah, no big deal...I was just curious. Thanks again!

Take care...Robin


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 12/20/2006
FYI- taken at 1/400 sec at f7.1 on August 20th.
ISO was 400.
If you put your cursor on a posted photo and right click then save photo to your hard drive. Then right click to get properties of photo; advanced view of SUMMARY TAB will show EXIF data.
NOTE: many of us save photos for uploading as a final aspect of Photoshop using save for web option. That strips out EXIF data so I would guess that many posted photos will not have that info.


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 12/20/2006
LOL...never thought of that Mel, another great tip!

I'm running low in the "gem" department and starting to get worried...means I might have to venture outside (when I get some time). :( The cold temps are back and it's tough to get anything good when your hands are shaking and your teeth are chattering!

Thanks for the kind words...always appreciated!

Hugs...Robin the risk of looking like a "dope", how did you pull the data on this shot? I know it can be done, just don't remember how!


Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 12/20/2006
What a nice capture and a beautifully background well in harmony, Robin.



Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 12/20/2006
cute image..... nice capture


Ms. Mel Brackstone Ms. Mel Brackstone   {K:5285} 12/19/2006
What a fantastic shot! I can see this is from an August I also have to wonder what other gems you are hiding away.....As for the super glue, well I have to admit I haven't had any luck with that, but a bit of bourbon mixed with sugar or honey can sometimes help :) Might even attract the birds and animals too!!

I agree this deserves an award, its definately wildlife!




Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 12/19/2006
Jan...You gave away my secret!

I'm still giggling, what a great comment! As for the hummingbirds...super glue seems like the way to go. Come Spring I might have to thank Doyle for the idea. ;)

Thanks for the vote of confidence, I appreciate it.

Take care...Robin


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 12/19/2006
Great taxidermy, Robin. Hope you have luck in finding a real one! (snicker snicker).
Outstanding capture, even if the d*mn hummingbirds disappointed you. Great title as well.
Love it - this is award worthy in my book.
--Regards, Jan


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 12/19/2006
Doyle my friend!

Yes, I'm still pulling from the Scrooge McDuck vault...super-sized snow, followed by super-sized cold and wind, followed by a super-sized thaw...tough conditions lately...but today, sunny and a balmy 41 degrees and not one ounce of time to venture out with the camera. This ain't California!

Thanks for checking out Chip (or Dale, not sure which one it is). I'm not thrilled with the flower on the right either, couldn't crop it (too tight) and didn't feel like trying to get rid of it either...just lazy I guess! Actually caught this cute little guy while trying to capture hummingbirds at my sister's house...HA! (You will notice there are no hummingbirds in my portfolio...none worthy of posting anyway!)

Super glue?...not for the chipmunk but...*light bulb* that would work for capturing hummingbirds...

Thanks for the rating on the CCSM and the kind words!

Take care...Robin


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 12/19/2006
Hi Robin!

First . . . let me say "Wow"! Love the focal clarity on this Oh So Cute little . . . uhhhhh . . . this . . . chipmunk(?). If you're still pulling from the vault and not out shooting . . . I have to wonder how many gems you have stashed away in that Uncle Scrooge Money Bin sized vault! I don't see any snow . . . so . . . uhhhhh . . . never mind! :)
The dappled light in the BG is really very cool too though . . . giving a feel of sunlight filtering through a forest canopy and making a good backdrop to define this lil . . . uhhhhh . . . mammal. I'm less thrilled with the flower on the right. It feels a tad oversaturated (or something) and colors flow in the image like a painting. It also doesn't seem to match the color of the petal that the . . . uhhhh . . . hairy rodent is sniffing.

But AWESOME cuteness on the Cutie Cuteness Sweeter Meter (Patent Pending). And you can't even see the super glue on the lil . . . uhhhhhh . . . creature's chin or paws. How DO you get that pose . . . training with electricity?

Very cool . . . very cute . . . well composed . . . very cute . . . This oughtta get a BiP! Really!

Season's Best Wishes,
Doyle I <~~~~~


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 12/19/2006
Thank you ictenbay! Love your work

Take care...Robin


Alan Shaffer Alan Shaffer   {K:5873} 12/19/2006
Hi Robin, excellent photo and very cute too!



ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN   {K:16316} 12/19/2006

so cute


Craig Law   {K:32} 12/19/2006
Awesome capture. Well done.




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