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Image Title:  pattern
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 By: Robin W  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Robin W  Robin W {Karma:16308}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Macro
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio abstracts
Lens Tamron 90mm 2.8 Macro
Uploaded 10/16/2006 Film / Memory Type Compactflash 1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 462 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 15 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
About ISO100, 1/60, f/3.5
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There are 15 Comments in 1 Pages
Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 11/12/2006
Thank you for the concern Avi, I am fine...recovering from a little brain surgery that's all ;)

Browsing usefilm to help pass the time...not up to shooting just yet but, I will soon. Off to catch up on your portfolio!

Take care...Robin


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 11/12/2006
What happened ? I hope everything is ok dear Robin.


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 11/9/2006
Dear Avi...thank you for the wonderful comment, I do appreciate it!

I have just returned to uf after some medical problems but, I will catch up with your portfolio very soon.

Take care...Robin


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 11/2/2006
You are too good with selected focussing and macros... Hats off, Robin !!!

cheers ! :)


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 10/17/2006
Hi again sweet Robin......yes you can 'e' me at anytime. UF is a good, friendly place but some things cannot be put for anybody. 'See' you again soon sweetie, I finished by big night shift earlier and I shall have a bite to eat in a moment and early night to be up early again in the morning for the next phase.......Take care Robin......Ray


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 10/17/2006
Oh Ray, I DO look forward to your wonderful comments...thank you!

It IS great that Mary is home and doing so well! She is making remarkable progress and it is very encouraging...I'm sure it won't be long before she is nosing around here. I know she is eager to see what we've all been up to. Of course, I have given her strict instructions to take care of herself first! ;)

Yes, Mary and I do have much in common...although if the "head" part were left out, we would not mind at all! However, without it, we may not have found the wonderful friendship we now share! More proof that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

At the moment, I am aggravating situation really, I feel fantastic which makes it hard to believe something serious is going on. I snagged your e-mail address off a post to Riny and I planned on contacting you (about this) privately. If you don't mind, I will drop you a note with the details...just let me know, OK? You are on my list of people to keep in touch with after I go for surgery. (My husband or my sister will let keep you posted) Your friendship is too important to me, I would not dream of leaving you in the dark! Thank you for the unending support my friend! Hugs to you sweetie!

Take care...Robin


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 10/17/2006
Minimal effective dof, beautiful green tones, excellent details and gorgeous patterning in this simplistic leaf study. It looks wonderful sweet Robin, well done to you sweetie.

It's great that Mary is in the comfort of her own home while she recovers from her op isn't it? I followed a comment on one of your other recent shots and the reply you gave that person which told me that you and Mary have a lot in common, haven't you my dear. Are things under control for you? I insist on another happy ending you know and I shall be thinking of you until I hear of the outcome. My very best wishes to you and especially for this present time in your life. Take care of you my sweet friend, big hugs....RayX


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 10/16/2006
Besides . . . you started the serial cartoon cereal references with the Sepia Cuckoo or I never would have thought of it!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 10/16/2006
Oh no . . . the tricks are for kids was for me . . . trying to discover YOUR trick in THIS shot! Your geniusnessity is safe! LoL!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 10/16/2006
Sooooo...what does THAT mean, I'm not a GENIUS, but a "silly rabbit"??? I'm crushed!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 10/16/2006
Ummmmmm . . . always recognize the fellows of the American Academy of Geniuses (AAG) . . . but for SOME reason my mind keeps saying . . . "Tricks are for KIDS"! LoL!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 10/16/2006
Oh, you are so nice the term eyecandy!
Little mind?...come onnnn...I AM using Comcast again right?...took more than a "little mind" to solve that mystery.
Thanks for the visit and the kind words!
Take care...Robin


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 10/16/2006
The band of focal clarity...that is my GENIUS level skill with my camera...I'm surprised you didn't recognize a fellow genius when you see one...LOL ;)
Thanks for dropping a comment Doyle, ALWAYS appreciated!


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 10/16/2006
Robin-- The green and eerie glow of this picture along with the most fascinating pattern blow my little mind. Overall, this one goes down in the EYECANDY category; I love it.
--Best to you, Jan


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 10/16/2006
Wow Robin! Fricken' AWESOME patterns!

It's like a little city map and . . . HEY! I can see my house from here! LOL!

Extension tubes (at least 60mm)??? Since this appears to be a horizontal leaf I wonder why the DOF has left the serpentine path of focal clarity? Oh, how I wish there was more to engage the eyes . . . though the tease here is really quite engaging.

Ok, you're homework is to get out an iron (you may have to google search a clothing Iron these days . . . or ask an elderly lady . . . more elderly than we are) and IRON this leaf (no starch needed) and get a new shot with more in the DOF! Change the colors to red and gray . . . (maybe) and let's see what you get from that!! LOL!

Truly a great shot . . . :)

Doyle I <~~~~~




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