Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 7/9/2008
This makes a beautiful collection on the one image.
All the best.
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 11/4/2007
Greeat work again erland
M. Š.
{K:2697} 10/28/2007
I see you got yourself S5, and you already took some fine photos with it! Very nice! I'm looking forward to any new photos of yours and I do hope the camera will serve you fine! Take care!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 10/16/2007
stunning. marvelous composition. perfect. 7++++++++++++++=
{K:11377} 10/15/2007
Excellent presentation, Mary, it's very attractive and balanced view of your collage work with this beautiful Bfly’s, in a closer look can see your perfectionism in balance!! Cheers, Harry
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 10/11/2007
A very creative way to show off these wonderful creatures. Alison
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 10/10/2007
Qué belleza de composición!!! Un excelente trabajo! Felicitaciones!!!
PD: Tú te conectas con Ray? Si lo haces y a tí no te molesta, le podrías enviar mis saludos? Gracias!!!
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 9/29/2007
Lovely collage Mary,the colors of the flowers give the perfect settings for the butterflies. Very nice. Take care Robbie
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/19/2007
Excellent image dear Mary- or should I say images! What a clever idea...each and everyone is interesting with all different views..a beautiful collage presented in a very creative way ! I enjoy this image very much - 7++++++++++++++++++++++ Always, Michele~
reza goudarzi
{K:7097} 9/18/2007
great pics..good job! i like this album of this beutiful butterfly..thx for sharing!+7 regards, reza.
Attilio Treppiedi
{K:378} 9/17/2007
Superb collage. Pictures themselves are lovely and very well composed.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 9/16/2007
wow!!! superb work you have done here dear Mary!!! a lovely collection of butterflies!!!! what a brilliant presentation!!!!!! love it!!!! all the best MArian
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 9/15/2007
Very well assembled Mary. Isn't it fun when you discover something in a photo you never realized was there as you filmed? You must have spent some time assembling this and you did a very attractive job. Good to see you post again. Del.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 9/13/2007
Beautifully uplifting:)
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 9/13/2007
Hi, Cathy. I am glad you enjoyed my collage. Regarding the frames--I use Photoshop 7. From seeing your work, you obviously enjoy experimenting. So, if you use a different program, you probably can find comparable options. Before pasting the pictures onto the background, I framed and saved each. Here are the steps a)Using the Rectangular Marque Tool, form a rectangle inside the picture b)Press Control J . The rectangle disappears but it is set as a layer c)under the Layer tab, choose Drop Shadow d)slide the Size towards the right d) under the Layer tab, choose Flatten Image e)save There are lots of options besides just the Size one, but for this, I used only the Size slider. The Circle is the same idea using the EllipticaL Marque Tool and Outer Glow under Layer tab. I hope I explained it clearly. If not, just ask again. There are probably other ways to do this. However, I am still learning how to use PS properly, so I do what works for me until I learn a better more efficient way. MAry
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 9/13/2007
Hi, Jan. Thanks for visiting. I meant to post this one of the pictures to the Comments section so maybe the detail is more easily seen. It seems as though the butterfly and the bee are having a friendly chat--sort of cute, I thought. It was a nice little surprise when I downloaded my pictures. MAry
 Friendly Summer Chat |
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/13/2007
Precioso collage bellamente presentado. Felicitaciones!
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 9/13/2007
Mary, this is fascinating for all the work you have put into it. Could you please tell me how you framed each little shot with the matching frame? Pleass, Please, it looks so cool. (and then maybe we could talk about the circle?) CC
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 9/13/2007
Superior technical work has created a grand piece of photoart...super job Mary
John Hatz
{K:156973} 9/13/2007
Very nice work dear Mary, original the way you collage here the photos of the butterflies on a cirqle..oval shape, all togather makes a fantastic image and it's pitty that we cannot see that kind of photos in bigger resolution....anyway, that has nothing to do with your work, it's briliand dear Mary, excellent rated of course. Best regards!
parehan .K
{K:27453} 9/13/2007
Really jumps out, it's so beautiful work Mary , it's realy deserves an award . +++++++++++++++++++7 Best wishes, parehan
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 9/13/2007
WOWWWWWWW...this picture deserves an award!!!Very well presented and composed!!!!Great details,colors and a beautiful background!!! Excellent done Mary! Regards,Nicole 7+++++++++++++++++
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 9/13/2007
What a beautiful presentation Mary - sure would make a lovely piece of wall art. The individual photos look like they would be equally as striking as stand-alone shots. Well done. Jan