Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/15/2010
Muito obrigado por suas amáveis palavras e análise detalhada caro Marcus. Grande abraço, Judson.
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 1/15/2010
POV pefeito amigo e a composição ganhou em riquesa de detalhes com a iluminação do ambiente do salão, interesante que a assimetria entre a perspectiva das peredes e os desenhos do piso de mármores se entrelaçam na regra básica dos terços, formando um contexto agradável de se ver. Parabéns uma grande foto Judson. Forte Abraço, Marcus
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/14/2010
Beautiful colour lighting and detail..nessa
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 1/14/2010
I like so much this shot dear friend .
The perspective and mainly the lighting are superb.
Thanks for sharing.
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/13/2010
Thank you so much for your nice words about my pic dear Srna. All the best, Judson.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/13/2010
And you gave us so very beautiful presentation of it dear Judson ... really nicely composed with so lovely lightening on the artworks !!! Be well my friend :) Srna
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/12/2010
Thank you so much Nicki. I miss your pics and love your always positive comments. Even when a capture is not so good you have a special way to talk about (I hope not that one ;) ).
Be always well, Judson.
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/12/2010
Thank you for taking a time to my pics Gerhard. Best regards, Judson.
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/12/2010
Thanks for visiting and comments Artmiz. Be well, Judson.
ArTmiZ Sayad CHamani
{K:2742} 1/12/2010
composition and lighting are well done....
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 1/12/2010
An informative documentation. Sincerely Ggerhard
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 1/12/2010
Great warm lighting,details and composition!I guess that it is very interesting! Hugs to you, Nicki 7+++++++++
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/11/2010
Thanks for visiting and comments Erland.
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 1/11/2010
Very good capture picture erland
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/11/2010
I'm happy you liked Yazeed. Be always welcome, Judson.
M jalili
{K:69009} 1/11/2010
Beautiful work I like it so much ...............
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/11/2010
Thanks Harry. Be always welcome, Judson.
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/11/2010
Thank you for your nice words Dave.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 1/11/2010
a great view, judson
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/11/2010
Very nicely done interior shot, Judson! Well composed. Dave.
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 1/10/2010
Thank you for your kind words Ania. All the best, Judson.
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 1/10/2010
Beautiful presentation! I like very much the composition and lighting!
Best wishes, Ania